I want to KILL the person on the other end of the phone...

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martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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I want to KILL the person on the other end of the phone...

I HATE companys that constantly phone me with "offers" ranging from window cleaning to health insurance. As I use a 56k modem, everytime someone calls the computer disconnects and the phones ring. This is fine when friends call...but its getting to the point when I am disconnected again and again and AGAIN! It makes me mad when a download is about to finish and im disconnected. Even more annoying, the ppl who phone and then hang up as soon as one picks up...

Anyway, does anyone have a way of dealing with this? I dont want to go ex-directory. If I tell them to NEVER phone again, do they have to obey by law?

I wish I could turn of this disconnect function, but my Dad gets phoned by work and needs those calls...

Sometimes I feel like telling the person on the other end to ************ but I suppose its not there fault.

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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So you're saying your father won't let you add *70 as a dialing prefix in your dial up connection program because then his work calls won't be able to get through? Am I correct in this?

If so, you could sign up for the national do-not-call list, which will stop almost all telemarketers from calling your house. I forget where on the Web the signup is, but it's a U.S. government Web site.

FYI if you tell a telemarketer not to call you again, they will obey -- but then your number will likely show up again soon on a new list they get from another company they're working on. The only way to force the telemarketer to cross-check all their lists and never call you is to tell them to put you on their do-not-call list. But they often don't actually maintain such lists (even though the law says they have to), and the national do-not-call list is much more effective.

Finally, the new V.92 56k modems have the capability to resume connections after a call-waiting call is received and dealt with. There is also software that allows one to see who is calling in (if you have caller ID).

But this resume-connection will only work for a file download if the site or server you're downloading from (and the app you're using to download) supports resumable downloads.

So the only real fix is to reduce the number of interruptions, which means use the national do-not-call list.


Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 31 min ago
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Pay $20 a month and get a sec

Pay $20 a month and get a second phone line.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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3 words. High speed internet

3 words. High speed internet.

JetStar's picture
Last seen: 19 years 3 weeks ago
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Beleve it or not Dr. Bob, not

Beleve it or not Dr. Bob, not everyone can get high speed internet. ::) Unforchanatly, the areas that *cannot* get it right now usualy are the ones that can *never* get it...

performaman's picture
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1 word: Wardriving.

1 word: Wardriving.

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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And Let's not Forget...

... that the OP's father won't let him disable call waiting. Given this, it may be that his father also won't spring for high-speed internet access, either because he thinks it's unnecessary, or because it doesn't fit within the household's budget.

To paraphrase Elvis Costello (and Cher), let's have a little love and understanding here folks! Wink


DragonFli117's picture
Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Luckily when I did use dialup

Luckily when I did use dialup I RARELY got telemarketing a-holes ringing me, now I have DSL and tons of telemarketing calls per day...
The system works

G4from128k's picture
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Do-Not-Call Does Work

Anyway, does anyone have a way of dealing with this? I dont want to go ex-directory. If I tell them to NEVER phone again, do they have to obey by law?

The U.S. national do-not-call list does work. We used to get one or two dozen telescum calls per week - now its down to 2 or 3 per week tops. Even companies that we have "an established business relationship" with (e.g., bank, credit card cos, telephone cos) seem to be respecting the list. Now we only get the occassional charity call (legal under do-not-call) and sometimes a clueless local company.

You can find the registry at:


Note that telescum have 90 days to take your registered number out of their databases, so it might take a bit of time. But it really really is worth it.

martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Posts: 634
Thanks for the replies and so

Thanks for the replies and sorry about the delays...I managed to cut my finger with a scalpel..and had to get it sorted out. The odd thing was, I did not feel it cutting me! I only realised when I looked down at my finger and realised the blade was lodged in it...go figure Wink

Anway, I would get DSL beleive me if I could. Saddly, I live 50 meters outside the max range and although I have contacted BT numerous times they say its not possible. ADSL in the UK really sucks.

I like the look of that list...I wonder if there is one for the uk. I'll have to do a search. Ive also tried the second phone line option, but its alot more than $20 a month in the UK... Also, its a shared line so one gets half the speed here...

I dont think there is any law over here about not phoning again if you tell them not to. I have told window cleaners numerous times never to call again...yet the next day...BRING BRING!

My modem is suppost to reconnect me...it tries, but at this time AOL does not support the function.

Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago
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You may want to look into fix

You may want to look into fixed wireless. I live out in the middle of no where and I did not know anyone offered it until I went looking for it. Our provider uses Motorola's Canopy system. I don't know if it is avaible in the UK but a quick email to Mot might get you pointed in the right direction.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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Re: Thanks for the replies and so

Thanks for the replies and sorry about the delays...I managed to cut my finger with a scalpel..and had to get it sorted out. The odd thing was, I did not feel it cutting me! I only realised when I looked down at my finger and realised the blade was lodged in it...go figure

I cut my finger open last saturday on a big Intel server. I didn't feel it either. Just noticed my hand getting warm...

performaman's picture
Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
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So it wasn't an IBM Blade ser

So it wasn't an IBM Blade server? That would be funny.

Blackstealth's picture
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
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[quote]I like the look of tha

I like the look of that list…I wonder if there is one for the uk. I’ll have to do a search

You need to register your phone number with the Telephone Preference Service. We've been on it for years and have never received any telemarketing calls. There's also one if you find yourself getting junk faxes too.

Last seen: 6 years 5 months ago
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So it wasn't an IBM Blade server? That would be funny.

IBM is the competition, we don't carry their products

The Czar's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
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It can be a bugger to deal with

Those telemarketers can be a bugger to deal with.

If you get repeat phone calls from the same company, a good method of getting them to stop is to:

1) Ask them politely (but firmly) to stop calling you. Be sure to get their name and the date.
2) The next time they call, ask to speak to a supervisor and inform him/her that you have asked not to be called anymore. Get their name and record the date.
3) If they should call again, ask to speak to the same supervisor, and voice your displeasure more firmly, but maintaining your polite nature. Inform the supervisor that the next time you receive a call from their organization, you are going to file a formal complaint with the BBB (or equivalent) and/or government agency responsible for this.

If you are willing to go to these lengths, most companies back off entirely, and word spreads *very* quickly throughout these industries, so the volume of calls decreases dramatically.


The Czar

Last seen: 9 hours 46 min ago
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Check out V.92 modems. If you

Check out V.92 modems. If you have one and your ISP supports them, you're suposed to be able to put the modem on hold to take an incoming call then take the modem off hold to take up where you left off.


sourapple's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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It helped my grandparents con

It helped my grandparents connection a lot. They were losing it a lot with .90 and its a bit faster.

martakz's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Well I signed up with the gov

Well I signed up with the government scheme to stop phone calls. So fingers crossed, lets see if it works!

Thanks all


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