My 9500, after inumerable years of service, just decided to not boot a few weeks ago. i realised that the procesor card had not been fully re-seated(i just added more ram to bring it to 200mb)so i pulled that out(after unplugging of course) and put it back in firmly, checked the video card ETC, but nope. fan on the PSU wont even spin up. just makes a nearly in-audible "click" noise. so i tried pulling the new ram out. put everything back together, and it still wont even spin the PSU fan, and yes the PRAM battery is new. i also tried reseting the PRAM. no luck, anyone else got any ideas? how hard would it be to just hack a cheap 200w ATX psu in there. its not like i would mind the PSU just sitting on the table next to it(its had no case for years).
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. . . for the PSU on the "Room of Duo" site in the LinksProj button in my sig. Sounds like one may have croaked inside your PSU too.
i just read through that whole thing, i've had caps blow/just fail on PSU's in the past, they always make a buzzing noise when they wont work(also described on that site...) i'm beginging to think it may just be a Cylonoid problem. but any other sugestions would be helpfull
I just looked on ebay, and I saw 8500/9500 psu's going for $7 - $25 USD. not bad considering that when my PowerComputing Clone psu went out, I had to pay at least $30 for an ATX PSU. I was in an emergency and I work on legacy stuff , so I have to have at least one old Mac around to work with SCSI HDD's, Serial port stuff, And floppy support, (I'm in Data Recovery Business) So I could not wait. it's cheaper to buy a new 8500/9500 mac PSU than to shell out for an ATX supply and hack it. Besides, I destroyed my 7200 with a hacked PS, I accidently ran 12v through the proccessor. I have never seen and arc of electricity run across {8-0 (I was in an attic without A/C, so heat was part of the problem too)
yank the board out. disconnect everything. Let the board drain for a few hours or overnight. put it back together and diddle the cuda button. I've had this work on 8600s with similar problems.