ASCII Hex Equivalents

Program to print ASCII HEX equivalent of any keyboard character

Plain text icon ascii.txt181 bytes


There is a mistake in the code in ascii.txt - it seems is reading $D811 when it is wanting to read KBDCR - ie. $D011. There is also an extraneous line at the top of the file (09f0: 20).

I think the program should be:

<br /> 0700: A9 8D ; LDA $8D == newline char<br /> 0702: 20 EF FF ; JSR $FFEF == ECHO<br /> 0705: AD 11 D0 ; LDA $D011 == KBDCR<br /> 0708: 10 FB ; BPL -5 == 0705<br /> 070A: AD 10 D0 ; LDA $D010 == KBD<br /> 070D: AA ; TAX<br /> 070E: 20 EF FF ; JSR $FFEF == ECHO<br /> 0711: A9 A0 ; LDA $A0 == space char<br /> 0713: 20 EF FF ; JSR $FFEF == ECHO<br /> 0716: 8A ; TXA<br /> 0717: 20 DC FF ; JSR $FFDC == PRBYTE<br /> 071A: 4C 00 07 ; JMP $0700 == start<br />

PS: sorry for the formatting - seems that applefritter doesn't honour the code tags.