That's what I'd call it. Just been through Dell Hell. Let's never speak of it again. So now the Dell is up for sale on eBay, and I'm buying a nice Performa 6200 setup to fill in the few days/weeks' gap between the Dell and the G4 I replace it with. Afterwards it'll be my TV. By 'nice', I mean this: now THAT is a hell of a road apple!
So anyway. Reasons for this post are; are there any MSN clients for Mac OS 8.1(and I mean ANY...not concerned about features, just need to keep in touch with friends), and what's the quickest full-featured Web browser that will run on a POS Mac like this?
Upgrading to a Performa 6200
August 17, 2004 - 9:57am
Upgrading to a Performa 6200
. . . the only things it doesn't have that I can think of would be the FM/TV version of the Tuner, an L2 cache card and the MPEG Media System! My kid is STILL using the 6290 I set up for him way back when it was a brand new Quadra 630. His TIBook sits right next to the 17" TrinitronTV/RoadApple when he's home from college.
edit: get yourself a Com Slot NIC and a 56k modem if you don't already have one, the stock modem is the only real POS in that auction. I'm getting a little tired of some of the more vicious of the RoadApple comments around here. As you've pointed out, even with a G4 around, they're still VERY useful little machines, despite their intentionally hamstrung design.
IIRC the FM/TV tuner was for the PCI models. Of course moving this one up to PCI is a fast and cheap MLB swap (and maybe a 3.3v regulator, but that is fairly fast and cheap too)... Then USB and other more modern connections become available, of course. I'll second the changing of the modem for a CS NIC. Get a cheap external 56k modem, plug this into a router/hub and you've got a TV/internet router and if you stick a decent HDD in it you've also got a local file server. Not too bad for a Road Apple. :macos:
Well I'm thinking I"ll just leave the internal modem where it is and use that, I don't really want to spend money on an external modem which I'll never use again afterwards... I am aware that the modem in question uses CPU power...
Looks like this thing could be a good little media centre for my room(can even plug a DVD/VCR etc into it). Anyone know if you can use the remote to control MP3 player applications at all?
Hmm... I may have a 6400/200 board laying around here somewhere... can I use the 6200's TV tuner/AV stuff and internal modem with that?
You can ose the 6200's TV tuner/AV stuff, The Comm slot on the 6400 has a "divider" in a different place than the Comm slot in a 6200. Some cards were made to work in both and some weren't
Nobody knows of any MSN Messenger programs that still work with OS 8?