Now here's a MAD idea... maybe in a few upgrade's time.

I'm going to say this simply then elaborate:

Custom Story.

Sounds mad, right? But I reckon that it could be pulled off, and I definately wouldn't put it past Strange Flavour. My crazy idea is to create some sort of side-application that allows you to enter simple commands like

"BCM Enter from Left, stop Middle Right,
Flux Enter from Right, stop Middle Left,
BCM Say "Whatever"
Flux Say "Whatever"
BCM Exit Left
Flux Exit Right
Start Game: Levels, with players BCM, Flux, Inku, Veng"

And select a background for the scene and the game. Hell, while you're at it, allow us to add extra backgrounds. Like, create a folder called "Custom Backgrounds" and allow it to be used in custom stories and the like.

So it's something along those lines, and string them together to form custom campaigns. For maximum fun, try replacing the "BCM Walk" movies with other pictures of people walking. Instant custom characters! Nah, that's reserved for hackers only, but story editors? I reckon you guys could pull that off.

actually, it's very nearly what was in the first release Smile

The script system for the game was only converted from a text file to direct data when we decided there was too much risk of people reading through the script file and spoiling the surprises, or finding the easter eggs too easily Wink

The actual scripts themselves are easy to modify when it's external, however the actual flow of the game (ie what planets and games are played) are hard coded, so you'd only be able to change the scenes and not how the Story game progresses.

There's always something...

Anyway, what're Strange Flavour planning next? Besides updating the existing games, of course. Any definate ideas?

There is a script file in the airburst demo folder, I modified what they said and stuff and it worked pretty much perfectly, was quite fun, being able to change the full versions story would be gr8.