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I Have an SE/30 with the names of the seven original coworkers that helped design the Macintosh (128k) printed on the inside of the case. I would post a picture of it but i don't have a scanner or digital camera to import the pictures (plus i'm broke too!) when i looked it up on the internet, there is a history behind it that the first 5,000 made had it printed on it! :coolmac:
yeah, my plus has all the signatures inside it, too. it's not that special. all macs from the 128k to (I beleve) the SE series had this. I dont know if the classic had them, but I opened up a Classic II one time, and there were no signatures. Still, what's with the upside down label? -digital
heat the label and it peels off nice and clean. That's not to say that's what the eBay vendor did of course.
Hee hee, I now have a one-of-a-kind upsidedown-label Mac SE! Anyone wanna make an offer?!?
dan k
Hmm... based on the front, it's actually a 128 or 512 that was upgraded to a Plus. I wonder if the official upgrade came with the label preattached to the case or not?
I'll confirm the 128k/512k front bezel. I've got a 512k and a Plus on the shelf 4' away from me. Noticable are the logo and the lack of writing on the 512k case. Also the area around the keyboard port and pictogram is sunken on the 512k while on the Plus it is flush. The case bucket looks like a Plus, with the round serial ports.
Eveyone seems to get excited about the Mac signature thing. Lots of 'em have them. It's kinda special init's own way, but not Ultra-Super-RARE-ePay-goldmine stuff. And that upside down label? Geez, it's no wonder he didn't get any bids yet.
I think thats stupid. I cuold peel it off and stick it upside down too.
may quadra 950 has a label upside down... anyone wants it? for $1000?
There were two versions of the Mac Plus (I have both). One withe the beige 128k/512k case and the Platinum Case with a new Logo and 'Macintosh Plus' written next to it.
And for the signatures: every Mac from the 128K to the SE had those. They were engraved in the molds for the case. But only in the first mold of each series. When the mold was worn off and it was replaced by a mold with no signatures. So there are no accurate numbers of how much cases with signatures were produced.
I've not heard that before nor seen any. Have you seen 128-512-Plus cases without sigs? They might even be rarer than those with sigs.
dan k
I think one of mine doesn't have the signatures. I'll have to take a look.
I should have done more research. I was wrong! (there I admitted It though)
I would have to guess too that it was just stuck upside down. I can do the same with my LC 630 if I hadn't already hacked it.
to see it, this is the link: