I've been trying to find links on how to do this to no avail. I just need something to help me on my way, I have a fairly good idea on what to do, just not what not to do I guess. big question is on the power supply. I'm not sure what I need to use. this is what I want to put in the case for sure. and the power supply as needed
-ASUS k8t800pro MB w/ AMD athlon 64 3000 processor
-ati 9600 8x AGP vid card.
-use the cd/dvd player and HD that came with the G3
anything else I need?
Possibly new motherboard holes drilled. The PSU is ATX-ish. A standard sized ATX power supply should work.
will I have any problems putting a new power supply in? I'm sure I have to mod it to fit with the G3 power button. and what about fans.
The case modifications you're gonna need to do involve drilling and tapping new holes for the motherboard, wiring the LEDs and power switch, cutting a backplate for the ports, modifying the latch and other things like that.
Most motherboards are laid out in a way that causes components to collide with the optical bay, so you may have to cut/remove/desolder and resolder with wires any components in the way.
And what's this about an ASUS K8T800Pro?
It's too big. WAY too big. The G3/G4 boards are roughly equivalent to Micro-ATX, and so far there's only one mATX Athlon64 board out there, that I know of at least. And it's laid ot so that you'd have the big ol' heatsink in the way of the CD bay, instead of a capacitor or two.
Even if you did somehow manage to get a K8 (or even P4/K7) board in there (and your ATi 9600), it would run as hot as all get-out. you'd be trying to run a processor that's designed to compete with the Prescott PIV (which IMHO should have been the PV), in a case built for a processor that was designed to compete with the PII, while throwing out all the engineering that keeps the G3 cool in the first place.
And look, running a 12GB hard drive on any hardware even remotely new is more than a little bit illucid. If you're going to dump $500 into a system, would it hurt to throw in an extra 70 or so (at least) for a decent HDD? Same for the optical.
I know it's cool to have a PC in a G3/G4 style case, but it's a *lot* of work.
thats pretty much what I was looking for. I haven't seen the actual dimensions for a k8t800pro and its not stated anything I've looked at. + I have a nice 40 g hd to put in there. more tahn enough for a game or two. I was wondering about the heat. its all probably wishfull thinking. thats why I asked around.
heh maybe I'll use a pizza box or something dumb.
thanks for your help guys