I want to use the apple pro speakers as a stereo with my integrated stereo amplifier. I have seen the iFire, but I want to use my own amplifier, so what i really what to do is split apart the cable, maybe get a female pro speaker connector from somewhere and break it out into bare wire or banana plugs for my amplifier.
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Don't bother...the Pro Speakers require a very weird EQ curve in order to sound decent. Also, it would be hard if not impossible to simply build a breakout cable to go to the Pro Speaker jack as there's also a digital ID chip in the plastic disc where the two cables split. If you *really* wanna do it, I'd simply clip off the wires where they split off and install a connector.
define "digital ID chip" please. (?)
It tells the computer what's connected. You can see this for yourself. Try opening System Profiler on a Mac that supports Pro Speakers, then plug the speakers in...the Mac will recognize them and add them to the list of attached hardware.
Good to know. I've been meaning to repair my Pro Speakers. One of the wires connected to that little white disk has started to seperate.
There is a serial EEPROM in the wite disk in the cable. It transmits the code "01" as apple only made one pro speaker.
Thinking back to my CCNA course (which was over 2 years ago, so i could be wrong on this), EEPROM stands for "Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory". So, is it possible to reprogram this from "01" to "10" (im assuming it's in binary, so 01=1 and 10=2), so (with the help of some kind of home brew splitter, one could have 2 pair of apple pro speakers, assiginalbe as different sources; i.e. have i tunes play thru one pair, while everything else plays thru the other pair?
Ok, i'l admit this is kinda far fetched, but it would be kind of cool to do, just for the sake of doing it.
in theory you could also do "00" and "11" as well...
of course you could
No, all of you guys are wrong. The ID tag was only to identify which equalization curve the system was to use. It has no capability of selecting or controlling multiple sets of speakers.
And anyway, you only have one Apple Pro Speaker port (the USB ones are not Apple Pro Speakers anyway...)
Ok, nevermind. Sorry to take this thread so far away from it's origional topic.