Hi, can a performa 630 take a motherboard from a powermac 5500? My powermac's refusing to boot up i think the power suppy has given up, when you press the power buttton you can hear noise from the speaker but it wont turn on.
Any ideas?
The 630 will take the 5500 board just fine. You might need to add the 3.3v regulator as described in the PCC FAQ, ie, if you add a PCI card, or if it seems unstable. The 630 doesn't provide 3.3v, and the 5500 board produces some on it's own, but it might not be enough depending on what you do with it.
Thanks for the response, one more question if I get a Performa 5260 off ebay can I swap the power supplies between them, I would just move the motherboard but I thing the 5260's monitor can only display 640x480, presumably moving the CRT would be much more work and more dangerous
The AIO macs' power supplies are pretty much locked to the display. If you found a way to make it work and fit with an AIO's analogue board, more power to you, but it would be simpler to do something else.
And, I believ ethe 5260 would still have the 3.3v issue any way. IIRC the 6360/6400 was the first to provide 3.3v from the power suppply. 5400/5500 should have the 3.3v supply too.