I'm finally getting rid of one of my Dual Processor 604 cards.
This is a great card under BeOS, but runs Mac OS 9, X (1 processor under Xpostfacto), and Linux.
It's compatible with the 7500-9600 series and the appropriate clones.
It's up on ebay.
That address is not right and I cannot seem to locate that item, did I miss something?
EDIT==> I found the auction. The url is showing as http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=80031&item=5761245508&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW. Nice price.
Sold already, that was a nice price w/ the RAM included. It would have made my Power Computing PowerWave much nicer... oh well.
I have a 200Mhz Dual processor pulled from my 9600/200MP and I'm sure I have plenty of 8MB sticks lying arround. If you or anybody else is interested in it let me know.