And I thought I used to be a computer geek :-)

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Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: May 2 2005 - 08:14
Posts: 31
And I thought I used to be a computer geek :-)

Wow - you guys put me to shame, what with enhancing the Apple with Ethernet cards, memory cards, IBM cards, internet connections, awesome Applesoft tips... Where was this forum 20 years ago?


woogie's picture
Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 267

I don't know about 20 years ago, but it has been around
for a few years. I have been around since 2000 as a lurker. I know
that my profile says 1 year+, but I was/is a member on
the old Applefritter Board since 2001. I guess my stuff is still
listed there. My profile has changed due to moving and
retiring. Dr. Bob and Tom Owad are the greatest guys
you could ever want to associate with! This is truly a
fine source of information regarding ANYTHING Apple!

Visit the Old AppleFritter Board and look over some of the
articles and posts. They are all archived there for reading
and reference if you need them. You cna no longer post to
the old board, but you can post here regarding to topics
there. Just be sure to reference the thread/topic you are
commenting on.

Hope you continue posting as all posts and info are

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