Hey everyone,
I'm basically looking for broken, damaged, or basically dead machines that you may have laying around. Maybe that titanium that you dropped and cracked the screen, or that g4 tower that took a lightning strike frying the logic board or power supply. Maybe you have a flat panel iMac that a child decided to play leapfrog with, or an eMac that has burnt out yet another video board. I'm looking for machines that have been written off, or badly damaged to the point where you don't feel that it's worth fixing. I'll make offers on a case by case basis. Tell me what you got, and I may be able to give you some money for a machine you don't feel like fixing or investing any more time into. If you have pictures of the damage, I'd be interested to see.
- iantm
will you take an old lombard the crashes on osx boot? it boots os 9 fine but not os x and all that needs to be done is replace the processor.
What does it have in terms of ram, hda, etc.? Also, how much are you looking to get for it? Depending on these, I may be interested in it.
- iantm
its got 64mb ram, 10gb hd, 400mhz, cd-rom, comes with yoyo adapter. im looking for maybe 150-200$ its missing the feet on the bottom but that doesnt affect anything.
Unfortunately, a lombard of those specs won't be of much use for me at this moment, as getting parts for a lombard are more hassle for me than the newer machines.
i could give you an extra 128mb ram but thats about all. if your not interested thats fine.
I have a dual gig G4 with 512 mb of RAM. Can you use that?