Video in Options for a Mystic

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Video in Options for a Mystic

Hi All,
I have recently upgraded a color classic with a LC575 board. I would really like to add in video in / TV capabilities to this machine. I guess similar to what you can do with the Apple Video-in Cards that are available for the Macs with the Video-in slot . Are there any LC PDS cards that will do this? I saw another posting by Jack that talked about getting a Focus LC*TV Pro card. Jack if you read this, how did you go with the Focus card and would this card do what I am trying to do?

Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 21 2004 - 10:56
Posts: 82
Focus LC*TV Pro card

I did indeed go with the card, but haven't used it yet. I will tonight and let you know what I found out.

Sorry that it has taken so long to reply. I just recently got a hankerin' to convert my Mystic to a Takky. If I do that, are you interested in a barely used Focus card? The 5500 board has a video input card.


Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 21 2004 - 10:56
Posts: 82
I don't like to reply to my own postings,

but after re-reading your post, I realized you are looking for a video "in" solution. The Focus LC*TV Pro card is a analog video/s-video out one. I don't know if the was such a solution for the compacts. Sorry.

The Takky could take an Apple TV card. I think the only video in solution on a 68k would be a 660AV or 840AV.

Again, sorry.

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 82
The 575 has a Comm Slot and a

The 575 has a Comm Slot and an LC PDS bus slot. Luckily, there is a video digitizer for the LCPDS-- SuperMac VideoSpigot LC. I used to have one, but I didn't have a Mystic at the time. Smile

It's pretty slow--it'll be great for watching TV in a window, but not fast enough to show on the full screen. If you're a QuickTime wizard, I bet it would be possible to write a program with a tight assembly routine that could scale the video up fast enough to be watchable, but such a program doesn't exist right now.

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