Hey, I finally have saved up enough $$$ to start fulfilling my childhood dreams...So...
I am looking for that legendary mac 128k... I know it is a long shot.. I have been looking on ebay for some time now... and haven't had the fortune of finding eithor of these machines.
If you happen to know anybody that is getting rid of any... please let me know...
mac666er at yahoo
How much are you looking to spend on a Original 128K???
I have one like Reverend Darkness just sold (bad RAM chip) with all the original stuff. Packaging, disks, cassettes, books, MacPaint and MacWrite programs and an external Floppy Drive and Hayes Modem. Heck, it still has the Apple stickers in the bag unopened.
Make me an offer.
do you mean A work gourp server 9650??
I think thats what he meant....
Wokgroup server 95, the first workgroup server rolled out in a tower form factor. It was based on a Quadra with a special PDS card and A/UX software.
Some strange mac indeed.
That is the one
Abe Skolnik had one not too long ago, he may still. I was going to buy it off of him, but my plans have changed.
i have working mac 128-send $160.00 to ron finch 102 mill pond rd,denton,texas 76209
What do you include with the mac?