
How about an Internet-Radio-Receiver - cheap, not $300.


  • Macintsosh LC, LC II or LC III
  • Ethernet Card for LC
  • System 7.1
  • Open Transport, QuickTime 4, Sound Manager
  • MpegDec

Just put it together, download a .PLS or .M3U file som the Internet for a stream at modemquality sound and setup MpegDec to startup with that file, as described in the documentation.

The computer will not have monitor or keybord/mouse hanging on the wall. Turn it on, and wait for the music to play, and just turn it off when you go to bed.

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Jon's picture

Hey, neat idea! I assume it plays over the built-in speaker? I don't know how much sound quality you get from modem qualtiy MPEG streams, but they can't sound much worse ove the little speaker anyway. Smile Nice use for an old LC-box though. Maybe an LC475 or Q605 would play a bit nicer stream?