Beige won't read known-good OSX install CD

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DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Beige won't read known-good OSX install CD

Pretty much as stated in the title. Quite apart from all the other woes I've had lately with this beige, it won't read a 10.2 install CD that's recognised by other machine. Stock CDROM drive.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Won't read, or just won't boo

Won't read, or just won't boot? Do you have the UFS extension installed?

madmax_2069's picture
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look to see if the cd rom is

look to see if the cd rom is on master jumper setting and see if its on a seprait ide cable than the hdd. cause it should boot right from the 10.2 install cd. is the cd-rom drive orignal or have you installed a newer cd drive. have you held down the c key on start chime mine booted the 10.2 install cd without a hitch. if the cd rom isnt set to master on a seprait ide chain from the hdd it wont boot the OS X install cd. have you tryed a diffrent cd drive if you have any other to try out

DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Re: look to see if the cd rom is

look to see if the cd rom is on master jumper setting

From memory, yes, it is. It boots OS 9 CDs fine.
and see if its on a seprait ide cable than the hdd.

is the cd-rom drive orignal

Yep. Said so at the start. The CD however is a *cough* backup *cough*. It reads, boots and starts the installer on an iMac 333, and it used to work on this beige.
have you held down the c key on start chime

Yep, and every other keypress combo I can think of.
have you tryed a diffrent cd drive

Nope, not yet. I was planning to put in a SCSI drive to free up the ATA channel for more hard drives, so that's my next plan.

davintosh's picture
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What Rev Is Your Beige?

I think it makes a difference. I've done OS X installs on several beige machines; some 233 rev A's, some 266 rev B (I think), and a 333. OS 10.2 installed and runs beautifully on the 233''s and 266's, but I could not get the 333 to boot on an OS X CD or install OS X without XPostFacto. See

Even after getting it installed it was flaky as all get out. I finally gave up after two long weekends fighting it.

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Rev C

It's a Rev C that has been running OS X flawlessly for about two years with the install that's on there now. It's recently stopped booting into X, probably after my half-assed and clumsy attempts to install 10.3/XPF and Ubuntu Linux, both of which mess with the bootloader.

Find any thread started by me with beige in the title to see what I mean.

I was hoping that reinstalling X would fix my problems, but the not reading this CD thing started a while back. I was wondering if Apple had slipped some copy protection into a firmware update or something.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Ubuntu shouldn't mess with OF

Ubuntu shouldn't mess with OF on a Beige. It should start from software that runs through OS 9 and down. If it is messing with your OF, that'd be something to know, because it should give a failure when it tries to install a bootloader.

Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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No OS X boot

I have a Rev 2 Beige G3, 333MHz 128ram, CD-rom and so on that I had installed 10.2 on and it worked great for about 2 months. One evening I turned it on and no boot it just hung about halfway thru. So I got the install disk out and rebooted with the C key held down and the CD-Rom would not read the CD. Now it would read the OS 9.2 CD but not the OS X.

I finally rebooted in 9 reformatted the drive and installed OS 9.2 however I never could run OS X on that machine unless it was installed on the drive from another machine. Now thats weird but so are Beige G3s. A cross between old and new and an excellent machine using OS 9.2.1 but the pits running OS X

DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 946
Swap drives

Well as detailed elsewhere, swapping out the CD drive itself for a SCSI one allowed the disk to be read and booted from. No idea at all why, seeing as the original drive could -read- the disk fine from OS9, just couldn't boot from it. But anyway, it worked.

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