Hey, I just installed Ubuntu Breezy ppc on an extra hard drive of mine using my G4 tower and messed around with it for a day or two. When I put my main hard drive with osx back into the tower, I got the question mark icon flashing, meaning it's not seeing the drive. I used disk utility and it won't detect the drive, even another extra drive that I have laying around. So I'm wondering what to do. Also, system profile doesn't show either of the drives.
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holding option while booting, it should give you a list of installed system folders you can boot from.
and ake sure your jumper settings are right for the drive u wanna boot from
On closer inspection of the drive, the board is fried. Brand new seagate 200gb. Hold me.
that would be covered under 'manufacturing defects' I am betting they will replace it. No one, I mean no one, is supposed to live with an HDD that borked in under 2 months, unless it was a desktop drive in a server, but that's a different story.
seagate has 5yr warrenty i thought anyways?