scored a nice black slab NeXTStation from a friend
came with mega pixel monitor,keyboard,and mouse
also came with upgrade cd's,manual,and developers kit
but on start up it say "scsi error"
tried hooking up an external scsi cd rom drive and then booting
then it says "booting from disk" but hangs up forever
user manual doesn't really cover troubleshooting
anyone have any experience with this machine?
is the hd bad?
is there a certain key press i should do at startup?
can someone please walk me through installing nextstep on this machine--i'm dying to play with it
need help installing nextstep on a NeXTStation black slab
December 16, 2005 - 11:55pm
need help installing nextstep on a NeXTStation black slab
alright i have 4 nextstations. heres would u should try:
It's trying to boot from the network - which is the "default" setting
- and it reverts to this when the battery has been removed.
You need to go into the ROM monitor and change "EN" to "SD" to tell
it what to boot from [the hard drive in your case].
To enter the ROM monitor:
Hold down the two command keys [on each end of the keyboard - and
also hold the ~ key down [this key is the upper top left on the
number key area.
then ... when you are in the ROM monitor:
type the letter p and then hit the return key
you will see a bunch of parameters. CHANGE THE EN TO SD [SCSI HARD
Then hit the return key several times to the very end. You don't have
to change any other of the parameters.
Then power OFF [hit the power button - then type the letter y and hit
the return key [when it asks you if you really want to power off].
Now try it - power it ON
assuming that you will have made the boot floppy disk ...
With the NeXT OFF -
1. Insert the floppy disk in the drive
2. Turn on the CD drive and insert the CD
Turn the NeXT ON
1. Wait for the screen to get past the "testing the system" graphic
2. Get into the ROM Monitor screen -
3. type the following:
bfd - and hit the return [enter] key
You should hear the floppy click on - and the text will say
"searching for CD drive"
4. wait about 30 seconds and watch the text on the screen for the
prompts to install the system.
if u need a boot floppy u can download one here:
well i hope i was some help
thanx everyone for your help
but i have another question
i downloaded the boot floppy but it's a zip file
do i have to do something because it's a zip file before i can use it to boot the nextstation?
i see there is a command key-long one under the space bar--is this the key you are referring to?
and as far as the ~ key--you stated it's in the upper left of the number pad------not so--on my keyboard it's on the bottom right-next to the space bar
is that the key you are telling me to press?
and the power button is green
there are also 2 green buttons on the top of the keyboard by the adb inputs--what are these buttons used for?
sorry for so many questions
thanx again for your help