Just thought you'd like to know what AF looks like... on ice...
and on even ice-er...
Now, making a screenshot under 7.5 is easy enough (cmd-shift-3) ((and I've just discovered it works under X as well))
but how do you make them jpegs?
Here's the full procedure:
Take the screenshot (cmd-shift-3)
Restart three times in the process because Netscape leaks RAM like, er, something...
Upload the shot to Quicktake (the application from the digital camera), save as a TIFF to the networked iBook/other mac...
Use Preview to convert to a JPEG...
((here's where it gets fun.))
Upload to Applefritter under the "make content" menu...
Have netscape freeze *again*...
Check your image gallery. See it's not there.
Redo. Submit.
Read "Cannot find file."
Start seeing red...
Can't find it.
Connect to a remote server downstairs that also happens to be your parent's computer...
Upload the images again...
Quit web browser (Safari)
Reboot and log into Applefritter
Reupload images...
Not there again. We're seeing a pattern here, right?
Eventually discover them buried in the "embedded" gallery (what, was I going to put them under "memorabilia"? How about "t-shirts"?)
Copy and paste URLS...
Create thread...
Look at the clock and realize this has taken an hour.
Love my Macintosh...
back in the day, we used jpegview because
A: it could do file translations in graphics
B: thats all there was.
I bet its on every on sw archive site.
thanks for the screenies and merry christmas
is that through ethernet to a router over a highspeed connection? i cant seem to get mine connected
As far as I can get it to go, I need a router AND a 10/100 switch; or, you can use ISP sharing through another mac. Then you need Mac TCP, and the network control panels, and it set up right.
you mean a router and an ethernet Hub, what etherent card and system software are you using?
I'm using an '030 PDS ethernet card, and 7.5... though it works even under system 6.
There are also (though apparently rarer) SCSI-ethernet adaptors... but the tricky part is actually configuring the software
Old Netscape, eh? iCab for 68k renders it quite well.
Ha! We don't need yer' stinkin' colour! Or correct spelling, either!
are you talking about that overlap thing? As soon as you scroll down the page it's gone, no worries.