
All members are invited to blog on Applefritter. Weblogs should generally be of a technical nature and should be written in such a way as to still be readable and useful 50 years from now. Please do not embed outside media. Images and videos can be uploaded via the Media Browser. Files should either be attached to the blog post or uploaded to the file libraries.

When you post to your blog it will appear on this index and on your personal blog page. Once you've made a few posts, contact me about having a graphic added on the top of this page.

Taxan RGB video for Apple II

Specs for Taxan 410-80 video card for Apple II

why am I 'the mighty'?

For those who have followed my saga, you will notice that I have now updated many of my older blog entries to catalog them as part of the Lost Chronicles of Sarnia - for those of you not 'Fritter Critters during that era, the joke may be lost on you...

This is because I have begun a new chapter in my life and can truly say that my therapuetic venting has ended.

For closure's sake, here is what I am up to now:

Apple II board Rev A serial number 14

Cleaning out the basement i came across an apple II board that has never been used. It was in the box with the original letter for the last 2 decades - purchased from a supplier in New York.

The back of the board has wires! (that is what revision meant in those days)

Here is a pic:

If anyone is interested in this item, I can send better photos and additional info.



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