I'd like some help diagnosing an Apple II EuroPlus that i've been given, i've recapped the power supply as several capacitors had burst, so that side of it is fine, but upon booting i'm greeted by garbled graphics: Link to video Please excuse the screen refresh!
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
That video link is broken...
It could be many things, but the usual suspect is bad RAM ICs.
You don't happen to have a IC tester?
Or another working Apple2?
Thank you for the replies, i'm not sure what happened to the link, but here it is again: Vimeo link
I don't have another Apple II to test, but I do have a RAM tester and had to replace several chips, but i'll recheck them just in case!
If you have to try swapping w/o having any test equipment on a ][+, the first thing I usually do is swap all of the chips in Bank 0 with the ones in Bank 1 or 2. Usually a ][+ will actually boot and work with only Bank 0 populated. A lot of software won't run with only 16K of memory of course. But if it works with the lower 16K ok, then you can do something as simple as an Applesoft program to poke and peek the upper 32k to find the bad RAM chip.
Thanks for the tip!