I could swear this has come up before, but a search for "slice" here (and on Google) yielded no results, so here goes...
I know Slice was the codename for the Color Classic, and I know that many CC mobos say "Singapore" on the edge because, well, they were manufactured in Singapore.
I recently got a hold of a CC mobo, and it says "Singapore Slice" on the edge. The mobo is the normal green color, but the two big rectangular socketed chips (next to the LC-PDS connector) have Apple stickers on them that are marked "341-0532 HI" and "341-0531 LO" respectively. Both are copyrighted 1983-92 Apple.
So I'm wondering if these details are noteworthy in any way. Since the mobo is the normal green color, I'm assuming it's not a prototype. But the 1992 copyright on the chips, and inclusion of "Slice" in the mobo name, makes me wonder if it is perhaps a very early production sample or something.
Any thoughts on this?
As the CC was introduced in 1993, a 1992 ROM date is probably not unusual. The push-button PCB in a CC I took apart had 'slice' on it. Could you put a picture of your PCB on the web somewhere, please - as hi-res as possible?
It's a little blurry but very readable:
I have three CC motherboards. The earliest of the three has Singapore Slice on it. That's also the only one that uses EPROMs