I want to know how much someone would pay for a Powerbook G3 Wallstreet with a broken sound card and broken pmu card? Your help is appreciated.
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Broken sound card? Macs don't use sound cards, so essentially you mean broken motherboard, with no sound. That and the "broken" PMU(I'm going to go to an extreme here and assume the PowerBook cannot charge its battery or start up reliably because of this), well... expect about US$30 for it, at the most, probably sold to someone looking for a screen, hard drive etc.
actually on the wallstreet there is a board that does sound and has the power jack, it is separate from the mobo. this is one of the common failure points on this machine.
I stand corrected.
I would see what a similarly equipped fully working machine was going for on eBay, then deduct the cost of the parts and labour necessary to get it back to working condition.
That seems about fair to me.
The Czar
I'm still standing by my US$30 claim, based on a few PowerBooks that have come up around here lately- including a fully-functional, pristine Wallstreet 266 with one 'little' issue- broken hinges- for AU$50.
With no sound/power card and no pmu board.... $30 - $50 sounds right to me. You can just buy it and part it out and make back some money... But, I wouldn't pay anymore with it missing those vital components.
I personally would never pay any money for a Wallstreet at all.
Also, the sound board was the most common part of those to fail. It was designed to not be nearly sturdy enough for it's purpose (plug going in and out all the time etc).
Apple seems to have a pretty poor track record for power boards.