Best new Tiger Feature

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Tom Owad's picture
Last seen: 6 days 14 hours ago
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Best new Tiger Feature

RPN Calculator
Use the reverse polish method of calculator input.

I'm sold! Has anybody seen it yet? Is it any good?

Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 11 hours 26 min ago
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Re: Best new Tiger Feature

Has anybody seen it yet? Is it any good?

The calculator or the OS? I've been testing Tiger on my AlBook for a day or so now, and it's not much different from Panther. The GUI has a very slight facelift, but other than the added features (Spotlight, Dashboard, etc.) it's pretty much the same as Panther.

I'm actually disappointed with Dashboard. I use Konfabulator on my Windows PC and I love it, but Dashboard really doesn't offer the same functionality. Konfabulator widgets are visible all the time, unless a window is open that covers them. With Dashboard, though, the widgets are hidden unless you make Dashboard visible, which then precludes you from using any other part of the OS. Basically, you can't see widgets and do other things simultaneously, and I haven't found a way to make Dashboard like Konfabulator yet.

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
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no upgrade 'til brooklyn

I just got Regan's Panther Server book, which wasn't published too long ago, and the book I want, the O'Reilly Panther Server book, hasn't been published yet (supposed to be out this month).

I would say the best feature has got to be 64-bit processsing. But I'll never use that as I'll never have that much RAM in my lifetime, and it will be a while before I get a G5 (off the subject... but just what is the lower education market, K-12, supposed to do with the 64-bit processing iMac??). So, then... Spotlight is pretty goovy. But I can live without it. I'm learning to use grep, finally. I can also live without the ability to make a slideshow in every single application (what were they thinking??). The Safari RSS stuff I can certainly live without. I doubt I'd use the widget stuff. Core Image and Core Video and the new QuickTime are probably supurb... but I'm not gonna cry about it. So... then, I guess I am left with saying the new iChat stuff is the best new feature, but, I think, I don't really care because I don't have a video camera. So... FINALLY, I think what I will whine about the most are the upgrades to iCal and Mail, even though I'm not sure I'd utilize the new stuff, these are the apps I probably use the most... so I'd like them to be the best they can be. Oh, yeah, and of course, I think I'll miss any accellation Tiger has over Panther on a G4.

When does Tiger Server get released?

oh, oops, already out:

btw fyi
The differences between Panther Client and Panther Server come down to 3 packages:
otherwise, they are identical OS's. This is of interest because
you can dl for free Darwin Streaming Server, which has the same functionality, just not as easy to use.
You can dl the Administration Software for free, too.
That leaves Server Essentials... which includes, at least in Panther, Squirrel Mail, Mailman, Cyrus, FTP Server Directory, Streaming directories for each user, Extra print frameworks, Apache 2.0, Five Apple specific Apach modules, MySQL files, a few migration files, 11 additional startup items (NAT, IPFilter, IPFailover, IPAliases, Mailman, Watchdog, MySQL, Samba, Headless Startup, SerialTerminalSupport, and ServerManagerDaemon), about 96 additional background and utility executables, and additional configuration files for the new startup items.

all of these Server Essential things can be found for free (at least, the functionality of them) and installed on Panther Client.
and I'll bet Tiger Client and Tiger Server share the same kind of differences.
A shrewd administrator, which I am not, could very likely set up a server with all the functionality of the server version of Mac OS by just using the client by sacrificing time for money.

Anyhoo... food for thought

rock on, Apple!

Tom Owad's picture
Last seen: 6 days 14 hours ago
Joined: Dec 16 2003 - 15:14
Posts: 3383
Re: Best new Tiger Feature

The calculator or the OS? I've been testing Tiger on my AlBook for a day or so now, and it's not much different from Panther.

I'm talking about the RPN calculator advertised in the Tiger feature list. To my knowledge, there is no RPN calculator standard with 10.3.

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1100
Got Speed?

I've been testing Tiger on my AlBook for a day or so now, and it's not much different from Panther.

So... but... is it noticeably faster? I have such a hard time finding benchmarks... do any exist yet in a challenge between identical older machines running Panther and Tiger? If they will exist, where are they likely to be posted?

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