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I agree with Dan K. I personally have no desire to talk to his parents or sibling(s). My loss of a PB 1400 was not all that significant. Yes, he stole from me. No, I'm not happy about it. But time marches on and I have more than enough computers anyway. Granted, I did spend a Saturday with -Wallstreet- painting the thing to look all nice. All I really lost though was a 1400 that was painted white and blue - so I lost time.
Like I said, my loss is not very large - I have no reason to go after SL jr. For those who have lost iMacs, G3s, etc. then I say go for it. Give the parents a ring and just ask what they know. The worst that they'll say is they don't want to talk to you. Hey, at least you tried. I'm interested in seeing what they'll say if someone from AF does indeed call.
Not to be disrespectful to Tom Owad, but I don't consider it harassment unless the person on the other end of the phone says no, they don't wish to talk anymore and you keep calling and pestering them. A simple call is no need for concern.
So, is anyone gonna call and see what's up?
wow, the first thread on the new fritter that got to be two pages.
I coulnt find any of my old chats with him, but I remember him asking if I had a serial modem for a mac he was gonna sell to someone. I wonder if he would have actually paid.
Canadians don't take kindly to fraud either. I'll do my best to keep an eye out in the Southern Alberta area.
The Czar
(edited for content)
Actually, his realtionship with his father might not be that bad. Quoting from a PM dated 21 July where he accepts my offer of a badly yellowed ColorClassic for his 6500/300 motherboard:
So, he claims to have enough relationship to be able to do computer upgrades. BTW, anybody missing an iMac?
Who was threatening ? I was just gonna have a talk with him and explain the error of his ways..............
I can be very convincing
The thread just keeps getting bigger and the plot thickens..Here is another thread closely related to this one.
Raven was that fraud guy? Jeez, and to think I wished him well in his "Cry Me A River" threads...
I hope you guys find some resolve (money back)...
hahahaha...he drinks like mad, i remember that frmo a conversation.
Steven Thomas Landon (STL), 22 years old, recently of Clare, Michigan, was arrested for a probation violation, presented to a court in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, Isabella County and sentenced to 16 - 24 months in state prison for a technical violation of an earlier probation.
He's currently in the Charles Egeler Reception and Guidance Center Annex (at the Southern Michigan Correctional Facility) in Jackson, MI, a classification facility, for ~30 days. It's uncertain when that time period started or ends, but apparently he cannot be contacted for several more weeks from today (22 Sept 2004.) Once his classification period ends he may be sent to another facility to serve the rest of his time. The earliest date he will be eligible for parole is 07/07/2005.
Obviously, any previous addresses for STL are no longer current.
Apparently, his apartment was cleaned out, contents current location uncertain. If anyone wishes to press charges, now's the time, as the ability of the police to locate anything may depend upon prompt action to involve those who handled the apt. cleanout. In any case, contact the local police directly as they know as much as does anyone.
It's possible he may have items stored somewhere else (eg: perhaps a rental storage facility?), any such info probably must be obtained directly from STL. He may have an interest in returning items to their rightful owners as the length of his incarceration may partly depend upon his co-operation and the success of his rehabilitation.
Some references:
21st Circuit Court
76th District Court
Isabella County Probate Court
Isabella County
300 N. Main St.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
(989) 772-0911
Honorable Paul H. Chamberlain , Chief Judge
Mr. Lance Dexter , Court Administrator
Ms. Laura Plachta , Probate Register
His Isabella County Probation Officer was Trena Sharr
info from:
Southern Michigan Correctional Facility
Warden S.L. Burt
4002 Cooper St.
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 780-6100
info from:,1607,7-119-1381_1385-5357--,00.html
Good detective work, danke...
methinks he likes them young.
Should we ask for ayone specific and is there a best phone number?
There are three likely scenarios for his misdemenaor:
1. If the girlfriend was real, then, according to the charges, she was between 13 and 16 at the time, and he was 20. Further, he ws at least 5 years older than the victim, making the age 13 to 15.
2. Again, the 'girlfriend ' he has refered to could have been of a consenting age, but he used physical force...
3. The victim could have been of diminshed mental capacity (at any age).
Knowing the charged's propensity to try to pull the wool over the eyes of nice folks like ourselves, my money is on #1, but #2 is just as likely.
This is purely speculation on my part and not intended to be taken as proven true or otherwise credible remarks on this particular matter. It is purely speculative conjecture for no good reason. It is a biased opinion.
I do not think Steve Landon should be allowed back on AF. I'm sure you people he scammed can all get your items back some other way, but seriously, I personally would be quite uncomfortable having such a twisted soul frequenting these forums.
Dudes! That is awesome!!! I checked out the link to the police site, and the picture looks similar to the ones I mentioned that were on his GeoCities site of him at graduation. So it's him. That just made my day. Knowing that he's in jail until at least July 05... wow. I don't really know what else to say but wow. Nice work Dankephoto!! If I see Wallstreet today I'll tell him, and I may be calling the police to see about getting my stuff back...
We shall see. Till then, hooray, and the saga continues.......
I would think that rape would be of a higher degree than 4th degree criminal sexual misconduct. It was #1.
...the nature of the force is the factor. Had she been threatened or extorted, it is not classified as rape but is still sex under duress. The key here is that in rape, she says 'no'. Under the penal code he is charged with, he could have gotten her drunk, or pressured her to consent (not necessarily inflicted bodily harm, used a weapon, or strong-arm force). Most people will say there is no difference, "against her will is against the law". But the fact of the matter is, she may have been pressured to say "yes" through deception on his part, or fear of harm if he has a very aggresive (or even violent) personality, thus it would not be rape, but still under duress.
Again, this whole line is just curious speculation as to what the exact infraction was based on the tidbits we all know about him. It could have been #2 as easily as it was #1, or a more likely combination of the two.
I was actually feeling bad for him when I saw those pages, then I remembered at this point he's still successfully ripped me off.
Then I noticed Tom started this thread in the "Remember Outdoors" forum..HAHAHAHAHA (that may go over some heads but oh well its too good to pass up)
Let's hope the next installment is Episode VI, Return of The Pismo...sorry the Star Wars DVD commerical was on AGAIN!
Looks like its time to write a letter. At least it appears he's going to return stuff now. And I don't fault him for making up the fake charge of "file sharing" in his letter to me, not that I care how old his gf is/was. (Deleted commentary on every case of statutory rape I've ever heard of) That's a two way street even if you are 13. At least he stayed in the "teens" and she wasn't 12 yuck. Maybe he bribed her with a Mac...
Well, I DO remember outdoors and I seem to recall some grass needing cut. So I'm off to install my new Hatori Hanzo blade on the mower...
Try checking with "eeun". Also check his entry
on page 1 of theis thread. He has an e-mail for
the local police department.
Which, FWIW, compeletely contradicts the version of events in the letter received from Steve by another member. Interesting that he can't even tell the truth (or acknowledge the truth) about why he was arrested.
"...compeletely contradicts the version of events in the letter received from Steve by another member. Interesting that he can’t even tell the truth (or acknowledge the truth) about why he was arrested."
I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that "No man has a good enough memory to be a good liar."
Just think about this for a minute. There is a code of honor amongst theives so to speak. In otherwords, while he is in jail serving his time, if other inmates find out what he did (sexual misconduct with a minior or whatever its called), then he will most likely be beaten up or abused while in prison. Most inmates HATE other inmates who are convicted of sexual crimes of minors. They make the inmate pay with their own "special" forms of punishment.
Just something to think about.
Oh yeah... I forgot about this but a year or so ago, he tried to con me out of my decked out beige g3. The email addy he gave me was which was on MSN messenger. His last msn messenger sign in name message was "~Merry Ye Meet~". I have no idea what it means but it can't be good. LOL
[quote]Just think about this for a minute. There is a code of honor amongst theives so to speak. In otherwords, while he is in jail serving his time, if other inmates find out what he did (sexual misconduct with a minior or whatever its called), then he will most likely be beaten up or abused while in prison. Most inmates HATE other inmates who are convicted of sexual crimes of minors. They make the inmate pay with their own “special
. . . so it won't be easy to cite references. I don't know how much real truth there is to it, but Pedophiles supposedly don't last long in a general prison population. The only reference I can think of offhand would be in Tom Clancy's Clear and Present Danger, for whatever that's worth.
Just like in English class, you need to figger out what evidence can be accepted as proof, but I did find a number of sites that made reference to people being treated harshly or even killed after it was found out that they were guilty of pedophilia.
Allright folks, we're straying from the topic again. It might be a wise idea to start a separate thread if you wanna talk about Landon and his current incarceration and other unrelated to Mac theft topics.
hello everyone,
I'm sorry I've been away, been getting into school I see they finally got him! on one hand I'm very excited to see justice caught up with him, on the other hand I'd like to get my iMac back...any ideas?
I posted a reply to the person "" looking for a 575 HD adapter and he PM'ed me back and said he was interested.
Than I quoted a price w/shipping and he PM'ed me back and said "Oops - I posted this under my buddy's user name. I'm landon. My email is How do you like to be paid? PayPal? Let me know and I'll get it to you ASAP. Thanks!"
Is this the famouse S. Landon this thread is about. The above username has been a member for under 2 days.
Either way I think I will pass on this.
There has been a user named 'Landon' posting here, but I don't believe it's Steve Landon.
Steve's in jail, and the link up above still lists his earliest release date as July of this year.
Now, if you get a shipping address of a jail in Michigan, start to worry.
...and offering to pay you before you ship certainly wasn't Steve's style.
Don't mistake that as some sort of honor, it's an insult to the meaning of honor.
There is a code so to speak, but none among theives. It's a "common feeling" among convicts that's there's one type of person they dislike more than any other kind of person. That's a pedophile or anything resembling one.
Landon can not avoid this treatment in jail and I guarantee that everyone in that jail knows what he is "in for". It's a sick twisted form of justice that the penal system uses and feeds. It doesn't work but it gives the convicts and guards something to do with their time I guess.
User "Landon" appears to be in no way related.
Even Steve Landon isn't that foolish.... well probably not.
I would suggest a new user name for the poor guy/girl who was unaware of history of the "Landon" name here on the Fritter.
Sincerely though I hope Steve has seen the error of his ways and tries to make up for whatever he has done.
This was just brought to my attention when another fritter wouldn't sell me something - first time I've ever been discriminated against because of my name! - but now I know why.
Landon is my first name - NOT my last. I am an Apple Consultant from the Pacific North West - NOT a pedophile in Michigan.
I, unlike most people, prefer to use my real name when posting on discussion forums and will continue to do so here since I think most fritters will figure out that I'm not Steve Landon. Who knows, maybe I'll bring some good back to the name.
-Landon from Washington
MaxTek - if 'landon' is offering to PayPal, then you have recourse through PayPal to recoup losses and some degree fo security. The infamous S.L. never went through such channels as it would require to much risk (on his part) of actually having to pay something, and fraud against PayPal is absolutely prosecuted by the money-grubbing b@$t@rd$ that brought you eBay. I would not distrust someone going through PayPal as quickly as I would private deals (unless a repoire already existed.
landon - glad to hear you are not too offended by the reluctant nature that some of have. S.L. used many false ids and even IPs to dupe a number of us and when it was all tied back to one person, many of us (self included) had some kind of lose, so due diligence on our part must be folowed. I welcome you to our community and do hope that you do not feel driven off. There are several ids that are similar here and frequent posters/lurkers should be able to spot the 'close-but-not-the-same-guy' ones. A good example was 'Reverend Darkness' (good guy) vs 'RavenDarkness' (S.L.).
Glad to now the difference is absolute and sorry for the unintended slight you have received.
Same here. Welcome aboard! Don't take offense, please!
The "fritter took a BIG hit because of the unscrupulous
actions of the infamous 'Steve Landon'.
Hope to see you posting on the 'Fritter and get involved
in our various threads. It would be great to be able to
have a real live Apple consultant here to pick your
brain! Very educational!
Again, hope you can see how we got stung and why we are
very leery!
Look if you got burned chances are it was due more to your own stupidity than this knucklehead's "clever doings".
I mean, did the guy put a gun to your heard and his hand in your pocket?
You didn't THINK first.
There's a VERY thin line between giving the benefit of the doubt & naivete ....
Anyway -- I hope you guys catch this scumbag.

If any relevant new information about Mr. Landon turns up, please create a new thread and link to this one.