... on my iMac! I'm using an elemulator I found online (30 day shareware) and it's not that bad! Well, exept the windows part... I'll post a pic of windows 98 instaling. BTW, becides the fact that it would be funny to see the thing run, I actualy am going to use it; I have an old copy of office 97 that I use.
I just installed windows
April 25, 2004 - 11:41pm
I just installed windows
Here is the pic, sorry about the flash, could have taken another picture, but, meh. *hey, I can't get the image in here, all well, follow the link* http://www.applefritter.com/node/view/2397
...did you install?
Is it running under X or 9?
I haven't heard of any recent shareware win emulators for the Mac, so I'm quite curious.
I'm praying that's at least a 333 and not a Bondi! I had VirtualPC on my old Bondi 233 and it went so slow it was worse than using windows 98 on a real PC...
If found virtual pc to work very well. But I run it on a 1 GHZ powerbook. Only thing that sucks is that it need more ram to run Battlefield... But it's coming. Also Jetstar... where did you find this? How much is the full version?
Yes, it's a 333. Heh. The computer next to it is a P4 1.2 ghz, but who cares?
I can't find the stupd site that had it, but it wouldn't be worth it anyway, it was *soooo* buggy. They didn't even have a X version! I'm going to look to see if VPC has a demo version.
well thats a wilmette, gunna wanna throw that thing in the trash, your imac could run circle around it
but yeah, windows emulation on that thing is useless, seriously
but if you have too... :coolmac:
that might be worth a shot ... it should allow you to run some Windows applications under OS X (just like classic applications) ...
Cool link! I'll have to try that out! Who says anything has to be usefull.