Steve Jobs's Email Address

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CaryMG's picture
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Steve Jobs's Email Address


I recently wrote this messgae on "Applefritter" ....

"... I was watching the "Macintosh Unveiling Video" today.
Somewhere in the middle of it, Steve pulls out a floppy, inserts it into the Macintosh & a demo runs.

Does anyone have or know where ta *get this demo ....?"


These were answers I got ....


" ... I don't think it was ever published ...."

and ....

"... Something tells me that Steve Jobs keeps it mounted on a frame on his wall, sort of as a holy grail kinda thing ...."


So I figured I'd go *directly to the source -- what's his email address?

Smile Smile Smile

Dr. Webster's picture
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Good luck, you'll need it.

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AFAIK the "original" macintos

AFAIK the "original" macintosh that Jobs did the demo on had been upgraded to 512k - so I'm not sure the demo would run on an original 128k mac

Also, the music you heard (chariots of fire) was played from an audio cd.. so you'd just be watching a silent slideshow + the mac talking.

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My take on...

My take on Steve Jobs is that he's not the sentimental type. I would guess that Steve is the kind of person that can walk away from things very easily. I don't think Steve has the same type of attachment to the Macintosh as the diehard Mac fanatics do.

Personally, I doubt that the floppy used at the 1984 Apple shareholder's meeting even exists anymore. I don't think that anybody at Apple would have considered it significant enough to be worth saving. Although, they did videotape the meeting, so there may still be hope.

I would guess that you'd probably have a better chance of scoring a copy from the guy that actually wrote it.

To quote Dr Webster, "Good luck... You're gonna need it."



Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: My take on...

My take on Steve Jobs is that he's not the sentimental type. I would guess that Steve is the kind of person that can walk away from things very easily.

He certainly does with Apple's hardware, with its planned obsolescence and all. Steve does not want you to upgrade your Mac, he wants you to throw it away every year or two and just buy a new one.

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i think you should ask the wonderful wizard of Woz, i think he still has his mac plus

CaryMG's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Thanks, Guys !

Funnyman > Ask Woz .... Of *course!
*Capital suggestion!
Thank you!

Managed Resistance > Yep yep -- you're right, *too!
I'll write to *both.

Kreats > I know it really ran on a prototype FatMac & that it'd be a silent slideshow. lol

Dr. Webster > Thank you!

Thanks for all the cool suggestions, guys!
And wish me luck ....

Smile Smile Smile

catmistake's picture
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You know you got it wrong when it comes back to you.

Many big companies have use the same email strategy. Once, I was trying to find this Cingular operator because she offered me some deal no other operator heard of... and there is just no way to call her back as when you call Cingular, you just get bounced to a random call center. But her name was attached to my account, and another operator just gave it to me... so I just guessed:

and I got it on the first try! She emailed me back with the details of the offer!

So, I'd imagine, the Steve's email (or one of them) is probably,,

or something
and he probably has a gmail account... how much you wanna bet its just

Or you could just pm him, as he's probably a member here at AF! Now, which one of you freaks is Steve?

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: guess

So, I'd imagine, the Steve's email (or one of them) is probably,,

That's assuming they use the firstname.lastname strategy. My current job uses [first initial][last name], and my old job uses [first initial][middle initial][last name]. You need to see at least two personal Apple e-mail addresses before you can be sure what the strategy is, and preferably three or more (as exceptions to the rule can be made, and some e-mail admins can be lazy).

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correct email address

why guess? use internic
now for the correct email address
and the survey says.....

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Re: correct email address

why guess? use internic
now for the correct email address
and the survey says.....

Mac Addict magazine once printed (once?) Steve Jobs' email address in the pages of their periodical. My guess is that Steve gets literally thousands of emails from every Tom, Dick, and Harry that's familiar with the word Apple, let alone the Macintosh computer. Chances are that he reads very little of his personal email, filters his email extensively, and responds to only a small fraction of the email that he does read.

Chances are, if your email isn't coming from a Fortune 500 company, the White House, or a close personal friend or relative, it's very unlikely that you'll get a response from Mr. Jobs.

Give it a shot, though; you've got nothing to lose.

EDIT: You might be lucky enough to receive an automated reply from Steve's email server. Wink

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: correct email address

Chances are that he reads very little of his personal email, filters his email extensively, and responds to only a small fraction of the email that he does read.

I would be surprised if he even got any of the e-mail. He probably has other people read through them for him. He most likely has an internal-only e-mail address for communication with others at Apple, and just has his assistant(s) forward on to him external messages of any importance.

BDub's picture
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Re: correct email address

Chances are that he reads very little of his personal email, filters his email extensively, and responds to only a small fraction of the email that he does read.

I would be surprised if he even got any of the e-mail. He probably has other people read through them for him. He most likely has an internal-only e-mail address for communication with others at Apple, and just has his assistant(s) forward on to him external messages of any importance.

I expect he also has a whitelist to pass it directly to him. The kind of email that can't be delayed. Like his kids and stuff.

CaryMG's picture
Last seen: 11 years 11 months ago
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Man ....

Filters ...

Automated servers ...

Assistants ....

I never thought of any of that stuff ....


Oh well ....

All I wanted ta ask him is was is where can I get the Macintosh demo floppy that he used at the Macintosh's unveiling.

Andy Hertzfeld worked on it -- anyone have *his email address?
A "Contact Me" thingie isn't on his website.

Thank You!
Smile Smile Smile

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Don't despair...

Don't despair, Groneveldt. Remember, you haven't failed until you have failed to try. Or something like that.

It only takes a few seconds to send an email, and you never know what might happen.

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Personally I would not bother

Personally I would not bother with trying to contact Steve Jobs. He is high profile person and it is unlikely that he would ever see the message. It would likely get caught up with all of the Apple sucks emails.

What I would suggest is heading over to It is a site ran by Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original mac developers, about the development of the mac. You could try sending him a message or making a comment on the Mac demo story.

lefevere's picture
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first mail to Susan Kare, fast reply, but no disk ....

to Steve > Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients: Reason: Over quota

to Bill Atkinson ..... no disk

the music, i already have it, (itunes store)
the apple II application (S.A.M.) speech generator, found

but no disk

but i don't give up
... perhaps, i found another way ..., i hope

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you should try woz

CaryMG's picture
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Thanks Anyway!

levevere > WOW!!
Thanks for all those trys!
But no luck, huh?
Me neither ... *sigh* ....

Funnyman > I tried emailing Woz, but he says he doesn't take emails anymore 'cause he gets too many.
Oh well ....

Thanks, Guys!
Smile Smile Smile

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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He used OPENSTEP for years af

He used OPENSTEP for years after he returned to Apple, up until the release of Mac OS X. There are some things he does not let go of so easily.

shiftkey's picture
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I actually got a response fro

I actually got a response from Woz, cause I'm a kid intrestred in electronics, and I was asking him somthing about the workings of the Apple 1.

He only likes to be bothered like this once. Beleve me.

...'s picture
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who woz or jobs?

who woz or jobs?

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
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try it and find out. or whois

try it and find out. or whois

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