Old Iron

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davintosh's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 554
Old Iron

... or rather, plastic, metal, and silicon. Wink

I've got a pile of old Mac gear that I haven't done much of anything with for way too long, so I think I need to move some. The old Macs can be yours for the cost of shipping. I'm pretty much smack dab in the middle of the continental US (Sioux Falls, SD; the city encircled by a river!) so shipping a compact Mac anywhere else within the continental US should cost less than $20. Here's a partial list...

  • Mac Plus, 1MB RAM, Kensington System Saver Mac (power switch & cooling fan, sits on top of Mac). Very clean case, boots up, nice bright CRT (minor burn-in). Full-size keyboard, mouse, Rodime 20 Plus 20MB external HD with 6.0.8 installed... I think I could also dig up some more RAM for this guy if you need it. Your best offer (it should be worth something) plus shipping.

  • Mac Plus, 2.5MB RAM, Kensington System Saver Mac, case is heavily yellowed, but boots up fine & has nice bright CRT. Mini keyboard (no numeric pad) that is missing the '2' key. No HD, no mouse (sorry). You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Mac Plus, with monitor problem -- start it up & all you get is a narrow line top to bottom in the middle of the screen. Case is in decent condition; it'd make a great MacQuarium! No keyboard & no mouse. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Mac SE/30, 8MB RAM, no HD. Very minor scuffing on case, no yellowing. CRT is nice & bright with no burn-in. Also has a 10base-T ethernet card installed (don't remember which brand it is, but if you must know I can crack it open to find out.) $30 plus shipping.

  • Mac Classic, 2MB RAM, 40MB HD, has System 6.0.7 installed, nice bright CRT, no yellowing on case, very minor scuffs. Also have the original User Guide in very decent shape. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Mac Classic, 4MB RAM, 40MB HD. Very minor scuffing on case, no yellowing; very clean. CRT is nice & bright. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Mac LCIII, 20MB, 160MB HD. Has System 7.5.5 installed. (Since this machine has a single 72 pin SIMM, I used it for a while to test 72 pin SIMM's; worked like a champ!) Best offer plus shipping.

  • Performa 630CD; 12MB RAM, 250MB ATA HD, running 7.6.1. Add some extra memory & a larger ATA HD and this would make an excellent home file server. In fact, it was used as such for three years by a small office. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Dayna Communications Daynaport E/LC-M 10base-T ethernet card for LC, Color Classic, and some Performa machines. $10 plus shipping.

  • Apple 12" RGB monitor. Works fine, still in the original box. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Apple StyleWriter inkjet printer, with serial cable, power supply & owner's guide. All in very nice condition. You pay shipping & it's yours.

  • Box full of ADB keyboards: Apple Design Keyboards -- 5; Apple Extended Keyboards -- 6. Any quantity, yours if you pay shipping.

As you can see, I'm not out to make a pile o' money on this stuff; I just hate the idea of junking it, but can't justify keeping it around. Our city is having a free electronics recycling day this Saturday, and my wife is hinting heavily... If you've ever wanted or needed any of this stuff, now is the time!

catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1100

on the Apple 12" RGB Monitor!

davintosh's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 554
So far...

Mac Plus #1 is gone, and I have firm deals on #2 and #3 (go figure!)

I've got a waiting list for the SE/30.

Both of the Classics are spoken for.

The DaynaNet card is gone, and the Farallon card has been claimed.

The 12" monitor is bought & paid for; all that's left is to drop it off at FedEx.

All that's left is the LCIII, the 630, the StyleWriter, and the keyboards. I can't believe nobody wants the LCII! Come on, somebody's got to want that!

You know, the LC form factor would probably be a good fit for a Mac mini; widen the disk slot, fit a slot-load optical drive in there, put the mini toward the back so the ports can be accessed, and I bet there would be room for the power brick in there...

Sorry, just thinking with my fingers.

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