I know the 280c meets the requirements to run OS8, but I was curious as to whether it could do so well.
My Duo is maxed out with a luxurious 40MB of RAM (sadly, this is more than my 1400 ever had).
Basically, compared to the current 7.5.5 (or is it 7.6...) on there, how is OS 8 going to run?
33mhz 68LC040 w/ .5k L1 cache
33mhz system bus
it runs alright, i have it in my 280c. but probably stay with 7.5.5 or 7.6
I had a Duo 280c with 20 megs of ram, and it could run decently hefty mp3 and a simple word processor. I think I used AppleWorks (the new, not the old) and MpegDec. I could swear it ran faster than my 2300 with 28 megs of ram.