Please I need help!! B&W 500 Mhz upgrade reads wrong CPU speed....

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Please I need help!! B&W 500 Mhz upgrade reads wrong CPU speed....

I'm having a real problem here and I feel so bad thinking I did something wrong...please let me explain...
I sold a Newer Technology 500Mhz chip on Ebay as an upgrade for a G3. The chip was taken out of my own Mac, it was running fine and it was running at the right speed in mine. So far so good, but now I just got a mail from the person that bought it and he says that the chip only runs on 333Mhz in his machine. I don't know nothing about Mac's, I was just playing around with mine for a few months but I know for sure the chip was running at 500 and on the chip it even says 500Mhz. Can it be that there some settings on the chip or that the CPU clock speed has to be changed so the the chip runs right on his machine?
Thanks for your help!!

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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I'm guessing that the guy who bought it from you is probably using a Beige G3 and that he still has the old 333mhz CPU jumper block installed on his motherboard. Did you send him the little blue jumper block from your B&W along with the ZIF chip? If you didn't, then he will need to remove the jumper block and change the jumpers, but if he doesn't have any spare jumpers laying around to use, then the best thing would be to send him the jumper block out of your B&W. What happened to your B&W? Did you put another ZIF processor in it?
Another possibility is that the Newertech processor runs slower on his Beige's slower system bus.
A third possibility is that he has a Rev. A B&W that was upgraded or upclocked to 333mhz and he still has the 333mhz jumper settings in his B&W.
One more possibility is that he's using a ZIF carrier card in one of the older PCI Macs, in which case it's another problem of jumpers on the carrier card.

If he's got a Beige G3, he'll have to check here:

Actually, I forgot. If he's got a Beige G3, then to get 500mhz he has to increase the bus speed using the jumper settings, so your B&W's jumper block won't work. He'll need to get some jumpers. I think I tried once to get the metal jumpers out of the plastic block so I could switch them, but that wasn't possible. I could be wrong about that.
If he's got a B&W, then your jumper block should work, and you both should check here:

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sounds like jumpers to me, i have gotten the contacts out of the block and changed them arround, but its not easy, by far the easiest thing to do is get a pack of jumpers from radioshack and use thous, they only cost a couple of dollars. then configure per the website above.

macg4's picture
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yeah i agreee with the last 2

yeah i agreee with the last 2 posts, its gotta be the jumpers. nothing make sense

Last seen: 19 years 2 weeks ago
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Thanks for your fast answer!

Thanks for your fast answer! I copied and sent the guy what you wrote but I haven't heard nothing back from him yet. I don't know if he is a Mac-savvy person at all...but me, I sure ain't...My Mac was just an old one I got from a friend to play with. I upgraded it, used it for a while and then I lost interest and it went into the closet. At one point I thought about to sell the whole thing on ebay but it seemed to me that the high shipping cost would make it hard to sell so I decided to take it apart and sell the video card because I still had the box, all the cables, the software, etc. etc... When I took it apart I thought maybe somebody could also use the chip and maybe the SCSI card too so I threw it all together and put it on ebay for $0,99. I thought I would get maybe $20 or $30 for the whole works. I had no idea that it would go up to over $100 and now I feel bad that the guy has problems with it....
Thanks again for your help!!

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Thank you for your reply! I s

Thank you for your reply! I sent your answer to the guy too. I will see what happens...!


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It don't seem to work.....

It's me again....
I got two mail from the guy, in the first one he wrote:

Thank you for your research. I had no idea of the
dip switches and jumpers that need to be changed.
I have a Beige G3. I will look into the email postings
you sent me and try to figure it out.

Then the second one:

I got the jumpers and installed them as per the 500 Mhz
and the Apple profile still said the CPU was 333 Mhz.
Then I tried the settings for 533 Mhz, then lower at 366 Mhz.
Every time I got info it said 333 Mhz....
If you can find out any more that I may need to do would be

Is he doing something wrong? Should his Beige Mac run on 500Mhz with my chip? Please if anyone can help!
Thanks again!!

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Gauge Pro

Ask him to download and install the following control panel if he's in OS 9:

Gauge Pro is actually more accurate than Apple System Profiler.

Don't know, he may need a driver:

But these may be only updates for an existing driver that came with the ZIF ?

Newertechnology went out of business and the remains were taken up by Other World Computing:

Might be something there, and is a great place to search for these kinds of problems.

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Thanks again, you are great!!

Thanks again, you are great!!!
I sent him your links and I just hope he will get it to work now!!!
Sorry for being such a nuisance

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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i think the upgrade chip set'

i think the upgrade chip set's its own clock multiplyer's on the cpu it's self no matter what you set on the mobo. yea you can up the bus speed and it will work but the cpu still set's its own clock multiplyer.
the reason ASP and Guage pro will see it is only a 333mhz or other cause ASP ang Guage pro onle see's the clock multiplyer on the mobo and not on the cpu. what he need's to do is run a bench mark to really tell if its running at that speed

allot of people buying these types of cpu upgrades wonder whay ASP only see's a slower speed than the cpu is marked at is cause of the reason above and is the reason for much fuss cause they think they was cheated. BTW does he have the cache enabler program installed it will show the proper speed cause it looks at the cpu's clock multiplyer. some cpu upgrades like that one has a software clock multiplier which again dont work with ASP and guage pro cause they look at the mobo's settings and not the cpu's settings

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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cache enabler

Yeah, I was going to suggest Powerlogix CPU Director software to enable the cache, but I don't see where you can download it:

No link for downloading that I can see. I guess you have to buy it somewhere. Daystar's XLR8 cache enabler runs about $20, I think.

I've got a copy of CPU Director 1.5f6 but I don't even remember where I got it from.

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 months ago
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here is the link to there sit

here is the link to there site downloads it is in there

here is the direct link for the cpu director 2.0b1 for OS 9.x (will also work for OS X but recomend 2.1 for OS X)

here is the cpu director 2.1 for OS X 10.2-10.4

here is cpu director 2.3b1 for OS X 10.4.3

here is cpu director 2.3b2 for OS X 10.4.4

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