Why I Hate AIO's At Times

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astro_rob's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Why I Hate AIO's At Times

So, there I am at church this morning, and suddenly a Barenaked Ladies song pops into my brain... fairly loud. Trouble is, it's actually two songs blended together, and suddenly I find myself wondering what the name of one of them was. I get home, pull out BNL's greatest hits, and turn on my trusty 5260/100. Now, admittedly, I know everything that they say about this particular model, but to be honest, mine is an AV version and I only use it to back-up my eMate and Palms, plus it's my erstwhile "multimedia center". To that end, it's normally hooked up to external speakers. I've not really had a problem with it in that job...
Until today.
As it powered up, the red gun in the CRT dies. I have the "Roswell" desktop theme, and normally it's that bright, happy sun yellow. Not today; it's green. I sigh... sooner or later, hardware dies. That's the nature of things. Entropy. I switch the display to 256 grays and leave it at that.
But like a scab that you can't help but pick at, a few minutes later I turn the settings back to color... and the red gun is back on line. O-kay.
I'm aware that the 6200 is basically the same machine, but as a desktop rather than an AIO. I also have (in storage) a 6100/66 AV. If it comes down to the CRT shuffling off its electric coil, I know I have options. Still... kinda sucks.
Basically a rant. I feel betterish...

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 19 2005 - 23:30
Posts: 700
that 15" multiscan display wa

that 15" multiscan display was known for the red gun going out alot. i had 3 of them that did it all the time. i havnt yet had any problems with my G3 AIO yet but im not sure if its the same one. looks like it is though. it drove my eyes NUTS when it happened. i would get used to having no red and then it would come back at a random time or i would punch the side and it would come back. then i would see red everywhere! even though the over all color of somthing would be white, i can see the red that helps make it pure white Smile

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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the internal video connectors

the internal video connectors prolly need cleaned off then it will work for a wile. if the video connector for the internal monitor gets lose or just gets dirty over time due to dust and other types of build up it can cause this also. you can get a can of compressed air to blow out the dust and a q-tip with some non harsh cleaner but not mutch and start cleaning the connectors.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 36
Internal Video Connectors

The Apple connectors can be quirky sometimes. One thing that comes to mind is a lab of LCs that we had at my first school. I was in charge of setting up about 25 of them for a summer computer camp. One of them started out fine and then a kid started using it, and suddenly the screen turned pink. The video connector had somehow gotten dusty/loose I guess. Some fiddling with it made the pink into white again, but I remember the other IT person I was working with termed it "pink-itis" (and I still use her term today).

I also recall it happening to a Color Classic at my second district, so I guess the internal ones were quirky as well.

Oh well, at least the phospor didn't die like some off-brand PC monitors. We ordered these 15" monitors from a now defunct company called Kingdom in 1998. Within a few years some of them were almost black. Actually had to get old Compaq displays from 1995 out of the closet to replace them! Then there were the ViewSonic displays, about 63 of 140 died over four years. I think 63 was the death count when I retired in August, so it's probably like 80 now.

To make a long story short, CRT monitors are unreliable.

Dr. Webster's picture
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So what song(s) did you have

So what song(s) did you have stuck in your head?

astro_rob's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 320
...Read As I Practice "If I Had $1000000"...

...that'd be a cross between "Second Best" from "Everything to Everyone" and "Too Little Too Late" from "Maroon" (though, again, have their greatest hits, eh?). Weird syncopation there; the two kind of blended seamlessly in my caffiene deprived brain. Just odd to be doing hymns (though our church, like most churches today, does a lot of current Christian stuff) and having BNL playing in my gray matter...
Oh, and about the 5260... it seems to be over the problem (for now). We'll see what happens the next time I get near it with a BNL CD. I appreciate the advice.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: Feb 5 2006 - 16:33
Posts: 36
Stuck in MY head

I always am hearing the music of ATB in my head. Yeah, none of you have probably heard of it. ATB is Andre Tanneberger. He's a German artist who created the album "No Silence" in 2004. Definitely worth a listen...it's the ultimate in music.

And yes, his music was going through my head in church today...and to think I'm joining the choir next week!

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