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CubKid's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Ok, so I was browsing ebay when I found this link. Better than an iMac? man, I'll take a few of em!


Hokusai's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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Yea, I've seen several of those on eBay lately. Some of them sold for around $200. Seems strange, for it was just a 5400. Of course, these came with software such as Microsoft Office 2001 or something. I think they actually came with the actual CDs for these programs as well. Perhaps people were paying these high prices just for the software.

Last seen: 7 hours 20 min ago
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I couldn't quite make out the

I couldn't quite make out the model but even the fastest 5500 is only about half the speed of even the slowest iMac. The very earliest iMac used the same video chip as a 5500 but most used a better one and they can all go to 6mb VRAM as opposed to 2 in a 5500 and 1 in a 5400.


GEOS's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Thats too bad to think that s

Thats too bad to think that someone may actually fall for that. jeez i hate jerks who just want to rip you off!

g3head's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
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Re: Thats too bad to think that s

Thats too bad to think that someone may actually fall for that. jeez i hate jerks who just want to rip you off!

You obviously don't have a gmail account.

Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago
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dear god...


I owned one of those.

I'll resist the urge to list every single problem with that auction.

GEOS's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Re: Thats too bad to think that s

Thats too bad to think that someone may actually fall for that. jeez i hate jerks who just want to rip you off!

You obviously don't have a gmail account.

Darn right i don't

alk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Indeed! I picked up one of these from a thrift shop for a whole $3.99 two weeks ago. It was a 5500/225 that was clearly surplus from a middle school.

Even $50 for these is too much. But with a G3 at 400 or 500 MHz and 128 MB of RAM, these are still quite capable! Mine's got a G3/400 and the TV/FM system in it now, and what a charm it is!


MacTrash_1's picture
Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
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There's one born every minute.....

He's been selling these for a while on ePay. He never states what model it is. I think he even used to say something about it's ability to run OS X. OS X on a 6500 has been done but is completely pointless because L2/G3 cards are not supported in OS X and probably never will be. Not to mention the 54/5500 video will never work in OS X.

And he charges 50+ bucks for shipping ! That is why I refuse to use ePay anymore. they will let people charge anything for shipping & to "handle" it.
That's a $25 computer at best for a total of over 100 bucks. There's Fool born every minute and this is evidence.

alk's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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Re: There's one born every minute.....

And he charges 50+ bucks for shipping ! That is why I refuse to use ePay anymore. they will let people charge anything for shipping & to "handle" it.

If you get fleeced on shipping, that's your own fault and no eBay's. eBay has some problems, but most of them are due to the "sucker factor" and not mis-management. eBay can't possibly police every single auction for reasonable-ness...

Bottom line - if you think shipping is too expensive, don't bid! There are PLENTY of deals to be had on eBay.

Also, speaking as someone who has shipped several 15" monitors (and larger - up to 21") and complete Macs cross country, the fees can be quite steep. $50 might be a little high, but $40 isn't when you factor in the cost of the materials (well packed items don't use cheap peanuts but instead that form-fitting foam stuff), a great big box, and the actual shipping fees. It used to cost me ~$200 to ship my G3, AppleVision 1710, and several peripherals from Boston to Tucson... In all, there were four or five boxes.


Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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I'm pretty sure that my favorite part was when he listed all of the things, among wich included a:

"Power Cord!"

OH BOY! I can put it in the pile with the other hundred or so I already have. Woo.

Now I feel good about myself.


Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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I was looking at his feedback

I was looking at his feedback and other auctions. It looks like he really knows how to snow the unwary user. He makes comments like "Includes a POWERFUL pentium processor, not some old 486 junk" in a lot of the auctions especially the laptop auctions. "POWERFUL pentium" could mean sometihng as crappy as a pentium 1 90mhz or something like that. He also talks about how the comptuers "1.2 gigabyte drive can hold OVER 700 FLOPPYS worth of data" and such.

His auctions really irratated me since they are specifically aimed at the unwary n00b computer buyer. He never states the model number in any of his auctions and he only uses keywords like powerful pentium.

He should be burned at the stake. And he has those cool educatinoal only pre-imac comptuers that i would love to get one of. (the all in one beige based model with imac coloring, I have no idea what model it is).

Last seen: 1 month 5 days ago
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Re: I was looking at his feedback

And he has those cool educatinoal only pre-imac comptuers that i would love to get one of. (the all in one beige based model with imac coloring, I have no idea what model it is).

would that be a G3 AIO?



Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 455
Yeah, thats what it looks lik

Yeah, thats what it looks like, but the ones in his auctions had imac coloring to them. almost like the emacs. the ones he was selling had the white clear plastic and the new style apple logo symbol on the side. (i have never seen a beige AIO in person myself, i just assumed that the beige AIO only had beige for its coloring, like the desktop/mintowers with none of the "imac" style coloring to them, sort of like the 5200/5400 series AIOs.)

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
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Hmm.. it's an AIO.

We can chalk this one up to a bad picture I think... The AIO has a transluscent Apple logo on the side and the iMac like clear/white plastic on the top of the machine... If he manipulated the photos, well then he is a shady character. The best we can hope for is: that he doesn't know what he has, and sells them for $50 a piece... I paid $100 for an AIO a month ago, and installed all my old PCI cards and RAM that were sitting around... and the G3 500 ZIF that gathered dust for 2 years. BINGO! a new OSX machine for $100. The parts added were useless to me and not worth much on eBay.


OSX.2.8 Firewire, USB, 512MB RAM and a G3 466 per the pinouts... not ready to play with that yet...

JetStar's picture
Last seen: 19 years 1 month ago
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He is also selling a G3 AIO,

He is also selling a G3 AIO, running X with ony 64mb of ram! :o

CubKid's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 152
This person has GOT to be men

This person has GOT to be mental. I checked out the other auctions (didnt before now) and some of that stuff is just funny. Even on the PCs, they're too hyped up. In the 90s they'd be decent deals, but now? C'mon. It also dosent help that he never even gives the processor speed of the PCs (both desktops and laptops listed). For all we know they could be old P-90s.

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