apple "bigmac" prototype: any info, pics???

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gobabushka's picture
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apple "bigmac" prototype: any info, pics???

i have been scouring the internet for any information on this thing, and cant find any. im lookin for some pics, anything. supposedly it was a prototype of a mac tht became the basis for the mac ii design. i cant really find any info about it other than whats on LEM. Can anybody help?

dvsjr's picture
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jun 8 2004 - 15:14
Posts: 136
I doubt there are any pics of it

David Ramsey on the folklore page said this about the Big Mac (in reference to Macpaint which was developed on a Big Mac):

"Most of MacPaint was developed on a "Big Mac" prototype-- a computer that was a design study for the next Macintosh. Basically it was a 16mHz 68020 version of a Mac Plus. Cases were never made, so it was simply a 1 foot square circuit board mounted on a piece of wood, connected to a 10 megabyte SCSI hard drive."

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