??? Internet Browser Recommendations ??

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??? Internet Browser Recommendations ??


I am updating an Imac Trayload G3-333 (Summer 1999) with no Firewire port.
After maxing out the memory at 512 megs, and installing Jaguar to the original 6 G hard drive I logged into my Earthlink DSL account.
(I will use the original drive as OS only, and a USB 1 enclosure for the other stuff since it is not my main machine.)

Thinking that the Intel based Macs are the only ones truly designed to run Windows and OSX, I doubt I ever have both OS X and Windows on the old Imac, or an Emac my wife uses.

That begs the question" What browsers are/could be used on the Internet in place of non-existant future revisions to Mac IE?

[My Yahoo email account kept locking up in Internet Explorer 5.1, and M$ is not updating IE for Macs anymore anyway.
I used Netscape OK, and I have a PC w/ Win XP Pro. So I do have asscee to my mail and the Internet OK. But ...]

I am wondering what Mac Internet browsers do best [better?] to open webs designed to be accessed primarily through later PC versions of IE.

[Also, I have a client that was using Safari to access her Smartmail acct. until the mail hosting service provider changed to a later version of their hosting software. That new enterprise software they selected does not support Safari. [Bummer] She then was able to use the Mac version of Internet Explorer to open and use her Smartmail acct.]

Realizing that in time probably even IE for Mac will not be supported by the Smartmail and other mail providers as M$ changes the PC versions of IE over the years, I have to wonder (and ask) if there is a "replacement" or "enhanced" browser that Mac Users are/will be migrating to in place of IE on pre-Intel based Macs.

Your thoughts/experiences/ideas would be helpful.

Thank you.

David Johansson

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Firefox Firefox Firefox! h

Firefox Firefox Firefox!


This is easy to download and install, but if you want to go a bit more cutting edge, there is someone doing G3-specific builds. I'm not sure how much of a speed boost this would provide.
In any case this will solve many compatibility issues. Be sure to visit www.adobe.com and grab the latest Flash Player, Shockwave, and Adobe Reader as well.

Also have a look at Opera http://www.opera.com/ its fast and has loads of features, including a built-in IRC client.

Other browsers to try are iCab, OmniWeb, and Shiira. They all have at least one nice feature!

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
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Yep, Tachyon is correct. Fir

Yep, Tachyon is correct.
Firefox is probably the best bet.(if you have to choose one browser)
Most accepted security encryption and lots of features and options.
Personally I use Firefox, Safari and IE.
All have there advantages and limitations.
Tachyon, do I remember you from the GURU's forums years back?


dvsjr's picture
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browser choice is getting a little silly

At work people are barking at each other over safari vs. firefox vs. Opera vs. Omniweb vs. Flock vs. Netscape vs. Mozilla vs. Internet Explorer vs. Camino vs. Shiira vs. iCab and on and on.

Personally my favorite is Cyberdog. Opendoc on OS X is a bitch though. Wink

Tell your friend to check out "user agent switchers" which when installed will make firefox tell a website that it is whatever browser you choose. Helpful for bank sites that won't let Mac users join the party. If you type this into the terminal "% defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1" you can access the debug menu in Safari and change the user agent there too. As always, be careful.

(here is a great list to help you: http://darrel.knutson.com/mac/www/browsers.html )

(who really only uses safari mostly, firefox sometimes, and who likes Flock but is waiting for it to mature a bit.)

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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I created a similar thread earlier here:

For awhile I was sold on Opera--it's fast and has some great features--but I kept coming back to Firefox because of the history menu and the easier bookmarks organizing and the master password security. Now with the new version Firefox 2, the browser is awesome! Lots of handy new stuff. The one thing I really miss from Opera, though, is the bar that pops up at the bottom when you click on a link and it tells you how long it's taking to load. Opera and Shiira are my two backup browsers.

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
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i refuse to use anything othe

i refuse to use anything other then firefox

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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On my ubuntu Linux machine I

On my ubuntu Linux machine I still have FF 1.5 and I've installed the "Tab Mix Plus" Extension. One of it's many features is to show each pages load progress in its tab. Quite nice, as you can watch the background tabs load progress while you read another. I haven't looked for similar functionality in FF2, but I'm sure somebody has it somewhere...

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Thank you --- Excellent Info


Thank you for the excellent information, links to the exhaustive annotated browser listing, and to related AF threads. I would not have found those on my own for a very long time -- if ever.

I looked through quite a few previous AF postings before posting this inquiry. However I missed that AF one noted in this thread completely.

I anticipate trying Firefox and Opera first. Then I will see if 4 or less will do me -- including Safari and IE for the other 2 as a strating (continuation?) point.

BTW: Does anyone ever arrive at an ending point, or do they just sorta pause a while? (asked rhetorically (:-)

As we have come to anticipate, Apple Fritter people have an excellent collective pool of information. Thank you again for the excellent responses and assistance.


themike's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
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Hmm, I just downloaded that T

Hmm, I just downloaded that Tab Mix Plus extension, and I alread love it. Thanks Smile

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 7 years 7 months ago
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Ditto. Very cool! For all

Ditto. Very cool!

For all us paranoid types, what the chances of any kind of Mac malware being inbedded in one of these add-ons?

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From my friends


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