How do I crank up an Apple IIe

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How do I crank up an Apple IIe

MAYBE I finally found the right place?? I have inherited an Apple IIe with 2, 5.25" drives, monitor, and Imagewriter II, and a stack of 5.25 floppies. I need help. I am a long time MAC user (1986 Fatmac, all the way up to an IMAC G5 and 12"G4 powerbook, OSX 10.4.8)(Zero PC or DOS experience) This is the first IIe I have ever seen.(it was my Mother in laws) It came with 2 Claris, Appleworks Disks, a Start-up and a Program (WP and Database) The floppie files on the Data disks apparently were originated on this machine in "Word Processing". It all SEEMS to work. I get a "main menu", follow the prompts and can get a list of the files on the Data Disk(s) but that is as far as I can get. I am not able to "open" the files if that is the correct word I have the "Owners Manual" a copy of "Appleworks Refernce Manual for Apple II" but I cannot seem to dig out the proper command sequence (if that is the right word) to get access to the files.

At start-up I get a screen that indicates "Prodos 1.1.7" Any and All help, links, documentation, questions, etc is greatly appreciated.

This is my first visit to this forum. All input is solicited.

Simon27's picture
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Try this link

Although I don't have an Apple II of any sort, I've found this site (you might already know it) which has PDFs of many of Apple's manuals.

It might be worth a try:

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Simon: Had not been to that

Simon: Had not been to that site. I have some of the stuff and some I did not. More reading. I am about convinced that what I really need is a step by step instruction on "Appleworks 1.0" The more I learn the dumber I seem to get. Sure am thankfull for Steve and crowd for the MACINTOSH.

Thank you for your response

woogie's picture
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Opening files

You say that you get to the "main menu".

When there you should see the "file card"
that lists 6 choices.
1. Add files to the desktop
2. Work with one of the files on the desktop
3. Save files to disk
4. Remove files from the desktop
5. Other activities
6. Quit

Using the arrow keys, scroll down to #5.
Press "return"
You will now see a new "file card" with the
following choices...
1. Change current disk drive or ProDOS prefix
2. List all files on the current disk drive
3. Create a subdirectory
4. Delete files from disk
5. Format a blank disk
6. Select standard location of data disk
7. Specify information about your printer(s)

Select #1.
Press "return".
A new "file card" will appear with the following

Disk drives you can use:
1. Drive 1
2. Drive 2
3. ProFile or other ProDOS directory

Select #2.

In the upper left hand cornewr of your screen it will
read..."Disk: Drive 2"
You will also see the "file card" with the original 7 choices.
This time select #2.
Press "return".

This will display a new "file card" with the list
of files on the disk in that drive. Using the arrow
keys, scroll up/down to highlight the desired file.
When higlighted, press "return" and the contents of
the file will be displayed.

If you are using a word-processor program or a bundled
program like AppleWorks, you can now work with the file.

Hope this helps.

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Apple lle

Woogie: Thanks for your response. I fell off the roof cleaning gutters last week in October, been incapicated somewhat and have not worked on it since, however I had just about concluded that I have a hardware problem. I had gotten to where where the files on the disk(s) are "displayed" and the display asks for the "program disk" I am working with files that were originated in "Appleworks". I have 2 different "Appleworks Program Disks" at least that is what they are labled. When I insert them I can see the drive(s) read lights flashing first #1 then #2,like the computer is attempting to read the inserted program disk, but nothing appears on the display. I have tried both drives and have changed the cable to make #2, #1 etc. The symptoms are the same no matter what drive combo I use. I think that either the program disk(s) are corrupt, or the computer hardware has a problem.Your comments are appreciated.


woogie's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
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Program disks

The Appleworks Program usually comes on a two-sided
disk that is punched on each edge. (Check yours, there
should be a square punch on each upper side). If that
is the case then one side is the "Start-Up" side and
the other side is the "Program" side. If you are using
a copy, then it is likely that the "Start-Up" is on one
disk and the "Program" is on the other disk. It is
possible that someone accidentally gave you two "Start-
Up" disks instead of the set. Are your AppleWorks Program
disk labels original? The "Start-Up" will just boot and
give you a screen that says...

"Integrated Software"

"By Rupert Lissner and Apple Computer Inc."
"Copyright Apple Computer 1983 V1.0 USA"
"Place the AppleWorks PROGRAM disk in Drive 1 and press Return."

In order to proceed you must either turn over the double-punched
disk and re-insert and hit "return" or insert the 2nd (PROGRAM)
disk and hit "return".

You will then get a screen that displays...

"File: Name GETTING STARTED Escape:Restore former entry

"The date must be 1983 or later,"
"and in this form: 3/20/83"

"Type today's date or press Return: 12/29/83""

PS...You Must use a date BEFORE 1999 or the program will NOT run!

Once you have hit "return" after this the program should run
as I outlined it in the previous post.

Again,,,Hope this helps. I gave you the instructions as I ran
this through on my own Apple //e so as to be accurate.

woogie's picture
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Posts: 267
Hardware problems

I don't think you have any hardware issues
by the description you have given in this
thread. I believe that you might have a disk/
software issue. See the comments I included
in my previous post.

Hope you didn't break/bend anything from
your fall from cleaning the gutters. Be
careful out there!

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Woogie: Well I did break the

Woogie: Well I did break the bone between my sholder and elbow. Surgery required, and they placed a titainum rod in it from the shoulder to the elbow, plus I broke a couple of ribs. Just now getting to where I can do anything usefull. Mending takes longer when you are in your upper 60's I guess.

Re your responses. Maybe some progress. (had to retrain myself this morning). POSSIBLY, I do not have the correct Program disk(s) I can get to the point where I can view what files are on the data disk(s) but cannot get the program(s) to run. A quick review of the disks are:

Copy labeled as: "appleworks side 1 start-up dos" no cut-out on the left side.

Original Claris label: "Appleworks Startup, includes Printer: upper right side notched. Reverse Side Label: "Appleworks Program, word processor and data base" no cut-out

I have one other "Claris" labeled disk which has labels on both sides but only a cut-out on the right side, so if I understand your repsonse, in order to run both sides of the disk you have to have the cut-out on both sides??

Now if this is in fact is the case, do you have any suggestions as sto where I might find the correct ones?? I check ebay occasionally and saw a set one time but got out bid at the last minute.

Thanks a bunch


woogie's picture
Last seen: 7 years 8 months ago
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Program Disks

Hey guy! Heal up fast! I thought I was one of the
oldest here (56). See? Geeks come in ALL AGES!:D
Just finished a few health-related issues myself.
Everything came out fine. Anyway, try the thread
on this board with Apple II gear. The buy-sell-
trade thread. Also maybe some of the folks on the
thread here can help. If not, PM me and I'll see
what I can do.

As for the cut out, yes, you need to have a cut out
on both edges of the disk to turn it over to use.
Chances are, however, that the other side is blank.
If you are REALLY careful, you can duplicate the
cut with an x-acto knife on the disk edge. It won't
hurt if the disk is blank and won't hurt the formatted
side that already has data/programs on it.

Keep trying E*** and you will see another set come up.
They are always showing up. Another site you can try
is "A2 Web". Google it and go to the Apple Classifieds.
Usually there is a ton of Apple II stuf there for
reasonable prices.

Hopethis helps.

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buy sell trade thread

Woogie: Well maybe the fall affected my brain also. I cannot find the:

"Anyway, try the thread
on this board with Apple II gear. The buy-sell-
trade thread.

How do I get there from here???

woogie's picture
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Sorry about the delay getting back to you.
Problems on this end. want to go back to the main "Forums"
page, scroll down to "Marketplace" and get into
the threads there. (There are two of them.) Hope
this helps.

Good luck with your recovery.

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Partial success. I secured

Partial success. I secured a copy of Appleworks and was finally able to gain access to the Appleworks files I was attempting to view, now I find that I am in need of "Shrinkit" to decompress a rather large "archive" pair of disks. So far no success in my efforts. I need the application program on 5.25" disk. Any suggestions??


magnusfalkirk's picture
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If you can transfer programs from either a Mac or a PC to the Apple II you can download Shrinkit from the Asimov archive and then transfer to the II and a regular disk. If you're not able to do that I could put Shrinkit on a 5.25 disk for you and mail it to you.


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If you can put Shrinkit on a 5.25 disk and get it to me it would be a lifesaver and much appreciated. I do not have the ability to transfer programs from my Mac(s) to the lle. You can e mail me at "" and we can work out details. Look forward to hearing from you.


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Rupe Lissner


Hey. Sorry, I'm apple deficient, but did work with Rupe back when he offered computer services. Rupe ran an IBM 360 mainframe. He didn't want to pay IBM to license the Assembler... so he wrote his own. No mean feet. Yes, Rupe had kind feet. Sorry. Although the source language was straight BAL, there were no diagnostics. So whatever you coded was compiled into an executable program. You could violate the operation to operand-count rules with total impunity. As you might expect, this resulted in some chaotic outcomes. What a time it was. Best, Vickie. 

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