I'm trying to use ADTPro's audio bootstrapping to send a copy of ProDOS to my finally working IIe, since i dont have a SSC, i have to use Cassette in... but the problem is, i can't get the IIe to recognize/acknowledge the existance of the Audio transmission. I have plugged headphones into the audio out of my computer to ensure it is playing the transmission, and it is, at 75%. Is there a way to test if my Cassette In/Out Jacks are broken on the IIe, other then the ADTPro software?
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plug in headphones?
It would be really, really unusual for the cassette ports not to be working. Mostly because they never get used. It's not like they'd wear out or anything.
The audio really does need to be SCREAMING at the Apple. Try at volume close to 100% (not all the way, though, as you might get distortion).
Also, it is important to get the timing down correctly. Start the Apple listening (the 2000.xxxxR command) _before_ you hit go on the server end. The server emits a ~10 second "leader" tone, and the Apple needs to hear at least 3 seconds of it in order to sync up. You don't need to have fantastic twitch reflexes or anything, but you should be prepared to say "go" on both ends at approximately the same time.
You could test cassette out on the Apple by hooking your headphones to the port (don't put them on!) and asking the Apple to send some data (0000.01FFW).
Finally... I find the icons on the back of the IIe to be counter-intuitive. I always get them backwards. "Cassette In" to me suggests the arrow pointing towards the cassette; but that's wrong. You want the white wire on the http://adtpro.sourceforge.net/connectionsaudio.html page. I have to refer to that page whenever I'm hooking up to an IIe.
you are so very correct, i agree the icons are very counter-intuitive, funny, i had loooked at that page to figure out the cabling, and still got it wrong, thanks for your help!
Good news/bad news. Glad to hear it's working now. I'll see what kind of caveat I can put on the page to make that more explicit. I guess Apple was still experimenting with user friendliness when they made those icons.
problem numero DOS (ha)
The cassette out on the IIe plugs into my Line in, on my Mac Pro it has an image of >0< two triangles pointing into a circle, i hope thats the right input...
but i don't get any response when i do receive and input a file name that is inside the "disks" directory, it is set as the working directory, is ADTPro set to listen to the right input?
Also when i formatted and wrote the "ADTPro Audio Client" to a 5.25 floppy, and tried to boot, it said "prodos not able to boot" or something like that, i already loaded in the audio client to memory and i dont really want to try again, so did i do something wrong or was it just a bad transfer?
Probably. You may need to tell your Mac Pro to "listen" to the line in (vs. the microphone) in a control panel somewhere. Sorry for not having more specific instructions, but every OS (and even different sound cards on Windows - not your problem, I know) have different means of doing this.
Ooops, stop right there. I know it's long and it's boring, but you have to read the whole bootstrapping process.
This is different from DOS 3.3, where formatting means to also lay down the DOS image. It's a separate process in ProDOS.
What you need to do now is re-boot ProDOS by sending the two parts over the audio line again. Stick in your ADTPro floppy and you can start up ADTPro from floppy. Once we get your audio working in the host-to-//e direction, you will use ADTPro to send the entire disk image of itself to the drive - which will leave you with a formatted, bootable diskette of all versions of ADTPro plus the formatting utility.
I think i did it right the first time i just didn't explain it fully in my post
once i had ADTPro audio on 803G memory location, and ran it, i pressed "G" and saved it to the diskette, after that i rebooted and it didnt work.
in the tutorial, it says the first thing i should send over, after i get the audio client saved, is the entire ADTPro program called "(ADTPro-v.r.m.dsk)" i assume this was from an earlier distribution, because it isn't included in the Disks directory, should i send over ADTPro-0.2.6.dsk instead?
i just started sending the ADTPro-0.2.6.dsk image over, i finally got a new cable (that was my problem)..
and each time i try to inititate it, my audio levels on the Line IN, on my computer, jump around, and ADTPro server, starts to work, and on teh bottom it has the directory listing of hte file i requested on the IIe, but on the termianal window it says "Image Transfer aborted"
and nothing happens from there, ADTPro server doesnt change, and no block are received on the IIe....
No, you wrote it all down in perfect detail.
So now you have a ProDOS-formatted diskette with the ADTPro program on it; but no ProDOS boot image. That's what I was saying before... the act of formatting doesn't lay down a bootable image of ProDOS.
Yes indeed. The letters v, r, and m are variables. (v=version, r=release, m=modification.) In release 0.2.6,
v=0; r=2; m=6.
So, ADTPro-v.r.m.dsk means ADTPro-0.2.6 in today's case. It changes a lot.
To test the back-and-forth of the Audio cables, can you try do do a directory listing? Get everybody restarted (click Disconnect, then Audio on the server; hit escape on the Apple //e) and hit the 'D' key on the Apple //e. Does it give you a directory listing? Does the ADTPro server notice that the client sent the directory command?
Yes it gives me a directory listing, and on the Server side it says "request: Directory Contents"
after i get out of hte DIR listing, i hit R, type in ADTPro-0.2.6.dsk adn hit enter
the server says "Request: Query File size"
and the IIe gives me a choice of Drives, i choose drive 1 in slot 6, (the formatted ProDOS disk with volume name "Blank" and 280 blocks
and hit return.
the server says "request: image from host to Apple"
adn the IIe starts receiving blocks ( well it receives one)
then on the terminal window that is running the ADTPro program, it says "Image Transfer Aborted"
and under the progress bar on the GUI it says "image transfer aborted"
PS- after launching the audio client with 803G, going to the settings, and saving it the Disk, what else do i have to do to make this disk bootable, its ProDos formatted, with the application on it,
or does this only save the ADTPROAUD program to the disk and i have to launch it some other way?
i think i have to resend ProDOS, use it to boot the floppy, so its not all occupying memory, then use the program to send the file, i may be wrong, but i only have one 5.25 Drive, so i guess i have to remove the ADTPRo audio transfer Floppy and insert a blank formatted one...
i just booted into ProDOS, and did a CATALOG, revealing the ADTPROAUD BIN file on the floppy, how do i launch the program off the floppy?
will start it up.
there needs to be a delete post function here, i keep finding out my answers on my own, Thanks a ton for hanging in here with me, your support is great.
I think, may be wrong (im have to reload Prodos into memory, im getting good at that) that i shoudl type RUN ADTPROAUD once inside ProDOS, and then transfer the file. we'll see!
obviously i am completely wrong and i should stop posting so damn much,
i tried RUN ADTPROAUD and i get "file type mismatch" so.. not the right thing i guess..
Ok, so there is definitely some give-and-take going on. I wonder why it's not behaving well. One thing to try... sometimes, there is feedback when the volume is way, way up. Try turning the volume down at the host somewhat - back to 50%.
To make a ProDOS disk bootable, you need to copy the
and, optionally,BASIC.SYSTEM
files to the disk. The formatter can't do that for you. But when you successfully transfer the ADTPro-0.2.6.dsk image to your drive, those files will already be there and thus will be a bootable disk.The command is
. The ADTPro client programs are in assembler.ahh! you are very wise...
i just changed my volume down a bit, im going to try again sending the file... thank you again for your support!
the transfer is 9/280 so far, its working
the volume feedback seemed to do the trick!
hope this works out, your program is great, much thanks to you and whoever contributed.
maybe this forum topic will help some poor dumb soul down the road...
Great. Glad to hear it. Audio transfers are an exercise in patience once they get going, that's for sure. Imagine how much time I spent testing these fool things... only to have it fail on block 265. (By then, most of the data is already transferred... so even if you don't get to 100%, your disk will likely work anyway.)
I tweaked all my references to volume to say 50%; I think anything above that is in danger of causing feedback.
I miss the minute-by-minute updates already.
As for contributors - lots of folks did in lots of different ways. See:
ahh no kidding on failing at 265 (238 for me)
does a failed transfer usually happen because of feedback?
the disk boots to the ADTPROAUD program, so i think i just dindt finish wrighting the serial or ethernet program, is the audio transfer more prone to failing, i guess i will have to find a SSC card if i want to the this reliably and faster...
again thanks for your help
Feedback, your computer beeping because mail came in (it's sending ALL audio to the Apple, remember), sunspots, you name it.
Audio is waaaaaaay more prone to failure. It does have retry logic, so unless it gets hopelessly lost, it ought to be able to recover from problems. I tested by unplugging various wires from time to time and watching it get back in sync. Sometimes it just can't. But it's painful to do more than one - this audio business is for desperate people. You really want to get an SSC card.
Digital Dinos (http://www.digitaldinos.com/DigitalDinos/Pages/ForSale/AppleII/docAppleII.htm) has one for cheap. Or just wait for your IIgs to arrive.
Ok, I got the proverbial oscilloscope out and figured out what went wrong. I was able to reproduce the failure reliably (!) and found a fix. Would you like to try an early version to see if it works better for you?