For those who are still interested to have another version of Apple 1 replica, I just adjust the selling price of bare board in Ebsy. This just want to sell them fast to get enough transaction count for selling limit upgrade. Sale is just for this time.
Michael N.
Even the last 5 pcs were sold out pretty fast, but still could not meet the transaction count requirement.. So, decide to sell another 5 pcs at the same discount.
Michael N.
All 5 pcs were sold out fast.. Thank you all for your interest
I was asked to list more board in ebsy but could not make it as still stuck with selling limit.. For those who are interested in having one please PM me. It will be packed and shipped the same way as those sold in ebsy (can see my feedback). $150 shipped to everywhere in the world using expedite service with tracking, only accept paypal - the last shipping flat rate $20 was lower for packing material and shipping charge especially to Europe, my bad. Mean to sell out the remaining few boards to interested folks and quantity is limited.