Here is some info on the RapidFire - a small board that attached to the Game Port of the Apple II and made the button pulse rapidly. It turned your "fire" button into a machine gun for better gaming scores and less wear and tear on the button (and your finger!).
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Not enough info on the schematic there. Where does "in" and "out" and ground connect to, exactly? And the capacitor in the circuit. What is the value and the code number?
Sorry about the crummy schematic. The RapidFire was built with a "stacked" IC socket and header that was inserted between the paddle plug and the motherboard socket. All pins wired directly through except for pin 2 (pushbutton 0). IN connects to pin 2 of the socket (from the paddles). OUT connects to pin 2 of the header (to the computer). Pin 8 is GND. The capacitor is 10 MFD /10 V.
Of course, you could also just wire up the circuit inside your paddle/joystick. If anyone really wants a fully assembled unit, I can probably dig one up for $20. Just PM me.
So then the Out and Out and In connect to an enable/disable switch..