I mentioned earlier that I purchases a pair of 5.25" unidiscs and a 3.5" drive. Is there a way to test and align these drives? I have no OS discs for the 2gs system and will have to bootstrap the system to create system discs I guess. I'll probably have to clean align the drives eventually. Can anyone recommend a site where I can find this info from? How hard is it to do? Any special tools required? I read along time ago about syncing the 5.25 drive with a 60 hz florescent bulb. Again, I have NO software for the system and will have to start from scratch using ADTPro. I ordered a cable online so I can make the discs I needed. I'll need some help on this as well I guess.
Unidisk and drive repairs. Info needed please.
October 18, 2014 - 6:35pm
Unidisk and drive repairs. Info needed please.
Please see your "Removing yellowing off of plastics" post.
If the Drives are out of Speed Adjustment, you can usually format a blank Disk, and use it... If you drive is very far out of spec, you will want to Re-Format that Disk, ( after backing up your Data ), because it might not work anymore on your in-spec Drive, or anyone else's in-spec drive..
I prefer Central Point Software's Copy ][+, using the Verify-->Disk Speed. You will need Two Disks ( not including the Disk for ADTpro )
Copy ][+ 5.5 is the Last DOS 3.3 version, Copy ][+ 9.1 is about the last ProDOS one. The .DSK files are for 5.25", the .PO files are ProDOS, usually 3.5". The ProDOS versions of Copy ][+ will CATALOG and Test DOS 3.3 disks. All should have the Disk Speed Verify. Use a BLANK or SCRATCH disk for the Speed Verify, it will Erase the highest Track, IIRC..
I have adjusted my Disk IIs many times, I have never needed to adjust the the 5.25" or the Duo Disk, yet...
The 60Hz/50Hz test requires dissembling the Drive, so you can see the Fly Wheel on the Bottom...
Are you trying the Audio Route, or RS-232.. I recommend Serial.. I get 115,200bps transfers...
I can't tell you how exactly how to do the 5.25 drives, but there is a video that will explain how to maintain the 3.5 and the 5.25 drives:
And about what MarkO said:
Read the Computist magazine. To copy disks on 5.25 drives, drive 2 must be set at a slightly lower speed than drive 1.
Oh!!!! Remove the Cover from the Disk II, the Analog Board for controlling the Spindle Speed, is mounted Verticaly across the Back of the Drive.. One the One side, ( Right side, IIRC ), there is a Multi-Turn Potentiometer, use a Jeweler's Screwdriver to turn, while observing the Copy ][+ Disk Speed test, you will see the Speed change in Real Time... According to Copy ][+, it should be 200.0 ms, with a Min of 198.0 ms, and a Max of 202.0 ms..
Nice Video!! I see it was posted by Ken Gagne, he is a guest on Retro Computing Roundtable, this month..
Many games required a Slower Target Drive Speed when Copying.. You could set D1 closer to 202.0 ms, and D2 closer to 198.0 ms and still be in spec...
At the risk of asking a dumb question, why?
I wondered the same thing. EDD 4 Plus tells you to set the drive speed of drive II several ticks below drive 1. (I think it was 296 vs. 299/300rpm)