Non-Apple brand bare boards

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Non-Apple brand bare boards

Hi folks,

I am cleaning out a few boxes. Anyone interested in a couple of bare board Apple II+ motherboards?

Looks like the going rate on eBay is about $125 per board.  PM me if interested. Pics below.

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Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2614
Looks very similar to the

Looks very similar to the motherboard in one of the Hong Kong/Tiawan built clones I have down to the "prototyping" areas near the RAM on the left side and the lower right corner near the NE555.  If it is like that one it is similar to a Rev-4 to Rev-7 Apple board.  It most likely has the hires color features and some of those fixes unlike an early board, but doesn't have all the fixes that the RFI era boards did.


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Looks identical to the

Looks identical to the Unitron board.  It could be a Unitron or a direct copy of one.


I'd love to have one but $125 is way too rich for my blood.

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Posts: 2614
baldrick wrote:Looks
baldrick wrote:

Looks identical to the Unitron board.  It could be a Unitron or a direct copy of one.


I'd love to have one but $125 is way too rich for my blood.

I was thinking the same thing.  I got the whole clone including case, power supply, keyboard, a counple of cards (16k RAM Card & Disk controller) and a floppy drive for under $300...



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Posts: 149
What's a good price

I was basing the price off of eBay, but I'm always open for an offer.  I'd rather support the community here than eBay and randos. 

I'm flexible

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Well, I sometimes wonder why

Well, I sometimes wonder why some things sell for what they do on eBay.  That said, I couldn't fault you for listing there and taking the $$$ if you can get it.  My personal experience is when I try to do that, my items almost always fail to sell or bring significantly less than what other similar items seem to be listed or even sell for.  But that doesn't mean much because I basically have never had any luck selling anything.


Also the clone that I have I think I probably picked up for a pretty good price, and it was about 2 or 3 years ago, and prices on a lot of vintage gear has gone stupid over that time.  Not to mention just inflation in general the past 6 months or so.



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Posts: 149
Egg on my face

Well, I feel like I have egg on my face and can totally see why folks eyes sprang open at $125.  I went back on eBay to look at these boards and realized the comparison I was using was 1) a genuine Apple board 2) Was in Canadian $ not USD.

So, apologies to anyone who thought me insane or outrageous.  Neither, just unobservant.


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