Has anyone ever used an Apple Graphics Tablet and its interface card in an Apple IIGS?
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Yes, about 20 years or more ago.
I have as recently as 2018-2019. But then I only used DOS3.3. Usable slot choices are extremely limited on IIgs without killing other built-in I/O. Therefore which slot assignment is available to you depends on your configuration. I did this with both a ROM1 and ROM3 IIgs.
I was able to use slot 3 and 4 if I recall correctly, but using slot 3 killed memory expansion.
From this I learned that although the IIgs has many nice features that the IIe does not have, for my needs and custom software the IIe was a far better fit for using the graphics tablet, as was the II Rev 0, which is what I started using the Apple graphics tablet with...as well as other serial port based graphics tablets.