I would like to know what would happen if you were to connect a colour signal to an Apple Monitor II. I would like information on each of these inputs:
PAL 50Hz
PAL 60Hz
SÉCAM (I don't know much about SÉCAM; this is just a matter of curiosity)
If you only know information about one or some of these, then please provide information on whichever you know about.
Monitor output from Commodore 64
Also, I would like to know what would happen if you connected the Apple //e monitor output to TVs of each of those formats (without an RF converter).
The monitor ii is designed to give a sharp green image from the incomplete composite signal from an apple ii computer. That signal contains color information which that monitor obviously cannot show.
Since the Apple //e has an incomplete composite signal, you will have mixed results with modern televisions with composite input jacks. Even if you get a decent picture, you will have unreadable letters due to the color burst signal coming from the iie, especially when you are dealing with 80 columns. You will also probably see interference on televisions if you do this.