CPM-65 for the Apple II

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CPM-65 for the Apple II

Hi there,


I recently ported my CPM-65, a CP/M-80 analogue operating system for 6502 based microcomputers to the Apple II. So if you feel adventurous, here is an option...


System Requirements


Apple II 80 Column card in Slot 3

min 1 Floppy drive

My system is a vanilla Apple II clone



AppleWin emulator, APPLE IIe emulation due to the 80 col card

 System Structure


CPM-65 consists of 3 layers:

- BIOS Basic I/O system - Drives can be A-D non consecutive.

- BDOS Basic disc operating system - this is the CPM-65 kernel. Size 2 kB

- CCP Console command program - a simple console which only allows to invoke CPM-65 programs. No resident commands.

          Size 1 kB


In track 0, sector 0 resides a 256 bytes BOOT program, which loads CPM-65 to memory and starts the CCP.

The system can boot from Slot# 6 or 5 (Drives A: or C:)  


File & Disc Format


Filenames are CP/M-style d:filename.ext with d <Drive A-H> Programs must have .COM as extension and are loaded to $0800 and started there.

The directory structure is nearly CP/M-compatible.

Disk images can be read with appropriate tools like CPMTOOLS or CpmtoolsGUI. A disdefs file is in the IMAGES section.

Please use an actual version as parameter 'extentsize 4096' is needed. 

The Disc format is 35 tracks/ 16 sectors/ 256 byte/sector. It is defined in the BIOS. The BDOS operates on sector numbers.


Sources and bootable disc images are found on GitHub: https://github.com/Dietrich-L/CPM-65-for-Apple-II/tree/main







Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jul 12 2023 - 09:45
Posts: 2

Drives are only A: - D:



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