Creating a Bootable Disc.

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Last seen: 12 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Mar 30 2011 - 22:00
Posts: 7
Creating a Bootable Disc.

I have a Mac Mini running Mac OX 10.4.11, I have a DVD I was able to create a Bootable DVD, my problem is the Power MAC G4 PCI Addition will not boot to the DVD. I have connected my DVD burner, by USB and Firewire and it will not boot either way. I tried making a bootable CD off the Mac Mini, but I keep getting an error message resoucres busy when trying to create .CDR file. My I am trying to avoid the purchase of the Mac Tiger CD's. This model Power Mac G4 will not boot in Firewire mode either.

Is there a way to create a bootable OX 10.4 disc from the Mac Mini if so what files are required on the disc and where do i find them.
