Full Apple iie diagnostic.

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Full Apple iie diagnostic.


Is there a way to perform a diagnostic on an Apple iie so that we can be sure 100% that the motherboard is working?

Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
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Re: Full Apple iie diagnistic.

I usually verify systems by running some memory and CPU tests, like XPS Apple-Cillin and other general diagnostics. Some from Apple. Run a CPU test, a rom checksum test, ram test, speaker tone ramp, full screen color and pattern check, game port a/d check. Not forgetting the text screen and character set. Test each keyboard key.

And then put the system through its paces by copying some disks, running a drive verification program that looks at settling, skew, speed, alignment, slack, and read/write test. Write protect switch. Run some enhanced programs that utilize MouseText and 80 columns and Auxiliary Memory, including DHR graphics, and standard HGR & LoRes graphics. And of course the standard 40 column display. Try some cards in different slots..

Try out AppleWorks, ProTerm, and some games. Including Integer and Applesoft games. Machine language games too. This covers a lot of functionality and has the benefit of using real world software.

I'm sure something official is listed in the tech service procedures. So perhaps look there too.

Maybe someday soon I'll make a concise list of disk images to use and write up an all-inclusive step-by-step verification procedure. Yes! That could be a fun autumn project!

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Re: Full Apple iie diagnistic.

Before running any form of diagnostic software, I would always start with the built-in system test.

To run the built-in test, push both the [open apple] and [closed apple] keys on startup. Or if the machine is already running, push [open apple], [closed apple], and reset.

If the Apple //e in question is a platinum model, substitute [closed apple] with the [option] key.

If all is well, you will get the message of either "KERNAL OK" (on an unenhanced //e) or "System OK" (on an enhanced //e); otherwise you will get an error message indicating what is wrong (Google will be your friend in this case).

Hope this helps,

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Re: Full Apple iie diagnistic.

The Apple //e Diagnostics Card was the best way to fully diagnose an Apple, but unfortunately they are quite rare (speedyg was working on reverse engineering one a little while ago, there is a post about it).

Without that, I would suggest the following:

- Run the built-in system test by holding OpenApple + CloseApple while turning power on (as others have said)
- If SYSTEM OK, try one of the many diagnostic disks that are out there.
- Start with Apple IIe Diagnostic V2.1. MECC Computer Inspector is also very good, as is Apex II. Master Diagnostic //c is also very good for the //c line, but obviously not for //e. All are available through Asimov.
- If all that fails, short of having an oscilloscope, the only way to check a motherboard would be to replace all chips with those from a known working logic board.

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Posts: 73

Sorry to reopen an old thread, but it seems a good place to start for me.
I have a good condition IIe, standard version without a keypad.
On boot, all I get it horizontal bars. The keyboard light is on. No response from keyboard. No power on beep. Reset dose nothing. Pressing open & closed apple keys then powering on dose nothing. Same with or without extra ram card installed. I have reseated all socketed IC's. There looks to be no physical damage. No burnt smell anywhere on the main board. Googleing IIe and horizontal bars gives up little.
Suggestions for next step in diagnostics?

Last seen: 7 hours 33 min ago
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Posts: 587
With horizontal bars and no

With horizontal bars and no beep, I think your processor is likely the issue. Bad, bent pins or in backwards

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Aug 4 2020 - 06:30
Posts: 11
The horizontal bars mean that

The horizontal bars mean that your processor is a sign that your IIe is not managing to run any unstructions in its firmware.  This could be a dead CPU, dead RAM, dead ROM, timing issues, etc.  Your next steps will depend a bit on what you have to hand.  If you have an oscilloscope, look up the pinout for the 6502 and see what the signals in and out of it look like.  Look at the clock pins first and see if there is a clock signal at all (it should be a 1MHz 5v square wave).  See if anything looks odd on the data and address busses (there should be signals switching quickly between 5v and 0v).  Also the R/W line should show signs of switching between 5v and 0v. No clock means and issue in the clock generator, other signals looking odd could be a variety of things and a problem with the R/W line is probably the CPU.  Next thing to try (or the first thing to try if you don't have an oscilloscope) is to swap out some ICs and see if it makes any difference.  The forst things to try are the 6502, the RAM and the ROM.  The ROMs are a little harder to get hold of but the contents can be downloaded and burnt onto blank eproms.  The EF ROM is the first ome the CPU starts running instructions from so if your horizontal bars are caused by a ROM issue, It'll almost certainly be the EF ROM at fault.

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