just doing some research of my Apple IIe for example trying to readout PROM content of different cards. So far the following is working as expected
REM APPLE II - Reading PROM content out of 2 x (256x4 bipolar PROM) e.g. Slot 4 -> Address $C400 => 50176dec.1 REM $C000..C07F On Board Resources2 REM $C080..C08F Slot 0 /DEVSEL area (16 byte register file)3 REM $C090..C09F Slot 1 /DEVSEL area4 REM ... repeated for Slot 2..65 REM $C0F0..C0FF Slot 7 /DEVSEL6 REM $C100..C1FF Slot 1 /IOSEL area (256 bytes 'PROM')7 REM ... repeated for Slot 2..68 REM $C700..C7FF Slot 7 /IOSEL area9 REM $C800..CFFF Common area for all Slots (2 KiB 'ROM')10 INPUT "Enter PROMSTART Addr. (decimal)";PROMSTART20 FOR I = 0 to 25530 A = PEEK(PROMSTART+I)40 B = INT(A/16)50 A$ = MID$("0123456789ABCDEF",A-16*B+1,1) + A$60 A = B70 IF A > 0 THEN 4080 IF(LEN(A$)/2) > INT(LEN(A$)/2)THEN A$ = "0" + A$90 PRINT A$100 A$ = ""110 NEXT I
but I’m failing to redirect the printout into a file instead of printing it to the screen.
Can someone please point me into the right direction? My programming skills a for more then 40 years gone ;-)
:UPDATE wrong PROM Start Address
You need to OPEN a file, then issue a WRITE command.
Many thanks... it’s probably not the best program code but it works ;-)
0 REM APPLE II - Reading PROM content out of 2 x (256x4 bipolar PROM) e.g. Slot 4 -> Address $C400 => 50176dec.1 REM $C000..C07F On Board Resources2 REM $C080..C08F Slot 0 /DEVSEL area (16 byte register file)3 REM $C090..C09F Slot 1 /DEVSEL area4 REM ... repeated for Slot 2..65 REM $C0F0..C0FF Slot 7 /DEVSEL6 REM $C100..C1FF Slot 1 /IOSEL area (256 bytes 'PROM')7 REM ... repeated for Slot 2..68 REM $C700..C7FF Slot 7 /IOSEL area9 REM $C800..CFFF Common area for all Slots (2 KiB 'ROM')10 REM LET PROMSTART = 50176 : REM Slot #4 $C40020 INPUT "Enter IOSEL (PROM) Startaddr. (dec)";PROMSTART30 DSK$ = CHR$ (4) : REM ^D
40 A$ = "" : REM added because of below comment from jeffmazur50 PRINT DSK$;"OPEN PROM.BIN"60 PRINT DSK$;"WRITE PROM.BIN";A$70 FOR I = 0 TO 25580 A = PEEK (PROMSTART + I)90 B = INT (A / 16)100 A$ = MID$ ("0123456789ABCDEF",A - 16 * B + 1,1) + A$110 A = B120 IF A > 0 THEN 90130 IF ( LEN (A$) / 2) > INT ( LEN (A$) / 2) THEN A$ = "0" + A$140 PRINT A$150 A$ = ""160 NEXT I170 PRINT DSK$;"CLOSE PROM.BIN"
: UPDATE wrong PROM Start Address - thanks RALFK
Well if we're going to get picky - In line 50 you use variable A$ which hasn't been initialized yet...
Thanks for your feedback... I made the necessary update above ;-)