Hello, fellow collectors:
Over the summer, I purchased a ROM 1 Apple IIGS from eBay. Over the past several months, I have tried to restore it to working condition. Most of the hardware I was able to find easily, such as the monitor and the floppy drives. However, there are a few parts that have been more difficult to locate.
I am including a list of the parts that I would like to locate, from the most important to the least important:
Uthernet or similar ethernet card.
CFFA3000 or similar mass storage device.
RAM card, either 4 or 8 megabytes.
SCSI Card, either high or low speed.
Accelerator card.
Apple ii joystick.
I am willing to either pay or trade for one or more of these items. Feel free to PM me, if you are interested in making a deal or know where I can locate these parts.
Thank you, in advance.
Uthernet or similar ethernet card: Uthernet cards currently not in production, very hard to find. Only go up on eBay once in a blue moon. (tough to get)
CFFA3000 or similar mass storage device: I believe Rich is going to make another run of the CFFA 3000's. Check his site. Only go up on eBay once in a blue moon. (tough to get)
RAM card, either 4 or 8 megabytes: Easier to find on eBay for a decent price. There have been a few up for auction lately.
SCSI Card, either high or low speed: There have been a few of these on eBay for auction, but you have to watch your price range. Some folks want your left arm and your first born child for one.
Accelerator card: Same as SCSI Cards.
Apple ii joystick: Plentiful on eBay. Prices range from $19.00 up to $40.oo and above depending on condition.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for your help. I have put myself on the waiting list for the Uthernet and CFFA3000 cards. Hopefully, they will resume production soon.