Looking to buy a Diimo 68030 CPU upgrade card for my SE/30, preferably the 50MHz edition.
I know these are super rare and tough to locate these days, but if any forum or board on earth is likely to turn one up, it's probably here. I'm comfortable paying well for one in "known good" condition, and/or I have a pretty extensive collection of vintage Mac gear and videogame stuff. Just off the top of my head, I'd be open to working a trade for a backlit Macintosh Portable in nice condition w/ the original carrying case and a recently-recapped motherboard, or possibly my Macintosh Quadra 950 tower (shipping this would be the biggest challenge). I've got a bunch of other interesting machines too - an SE/30 with an internal display board for driving a second external monitor, or a PowerBook 2300 (which may have a dock and some accessories but I'd have to check).
Let me know!