Hello to all AF-members in Germany
- due to the transportcost and my restricted financial limitations i am searching for a
Apple IIe case or parts of the case or a damaged and non repairable IIe. I have imoported
a IIe mainboard (U.S. Version ) from the U.S.A. due to the fact that the RAMworks II does
not fit in the european version and want to build it in the correct case for the further work with it.
Please only answer if that case is affordable for normal users due to the fact that my financial situation is very limited .....
reply please as pm to me here at AF.... i will reply as soon as possible...
thanks for the support in advance
sincerely speedyG
WTB in Germany - bare Apple IIe case or damaged Apple IIe
July 22, 2012 - 11:47am
WTB in Germany - bare Apple IIe case or damaged Apple IIe
Hello AF members...
i realy thought that somewhere in Germany another AF-member knows somebody that owns a damaged IIe and does not want to put a damaged computer up to ebay - but kept it for spareparts....
and i realy was hoping for some kind of reply ... up to now not a single message ....
at least for some parts like a groundplate or a single pastic top-case-part or the plasic cover-top that is collecting dust in the cellar ...
crying prayers to be released from the dungeons ... - and to come up into the light of being used again...
is there realy no chance to get for a reasonable price a bare case somehow together ???