WTB Wallstreet II

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Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: Jan 19 2005 - 23:30
Posts: 700
WTB Wallstreet II

Im looking for a wallstreet II powerbook due to the fact that its not limited any of the models for cpu cache and still has ADB/scsi port. speed doesnt matter and HDD doesnt matter as long as its a wallstreet II. fleabay has TONS of powerbook G3's, but nobody seems to understand how to list the ACTUAL SPECIFICATIONS for their machines let alone what is included with it. Every single listing has conflicting information, and they are all going for cheap money which is good, but what i really dont want is something thats too new, there are tons of lombard/pismo machines out there. Kanga machines are too old for me, but if i really REALLY had to i'd get one. The original wallstreet is acceptable but the 233mhz version has no CPU cache and Lowendmac.com said the 13" lcd is "bad news" what ever that means...

anyone out there feel like they have something to help me out?> thanks for listening to me rant too!

Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: Jan 19 2005 - 23:30
Posts: 700
Re: WTB Wallstreet II

any feelers?

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